Can cancer be cured?

February 4 – World Cancer Day. Cancer is considered the most dangerous disease. Perhaps that is why there are many myths about him. Let’s try to figure out which statements are wrong.

February 4 2016

Myth 1. Oncology is a death sentence

This is not true, most cancers can be successfully treated. Another thing is that success depends on the timing of the diagnosis. Oncology ranks second among the causes of death, yielding the palm to cardiovascular diseases. The situation would be better if patients, at the first signs of illness, immediately went to the doctor.

Myth 2. Even if cancer is cured, it will return.

Statistics confirm the opposite. But it is important to remember that after a course of treatment and rehabilitation, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor. This will help prevent relapses.

Myth 3. Cancer can be infected

This is an erroneous version. The fact is that it is impossible to allow the body to obey someone else’s malignant cell. It is impossible to get sick, for example, with stomach cancer, having contracted it from a neighbor, as well as getting diabetes or hypertension through contact with a patient. Research on the incidence of cancer among oncologists also confirms that cancer is not contagious.

Myth 4. Traditional medicine is the only treatment disease, because surgery can “disturb” the cancer, this will lead to the growth of a malignant tumor.

It is impossible to stop the development of cancer with “grandmother’s” means. Traditional medicine can only be an addition to the main treatment, and only after consulting a doctor. It is surgical intervention, especially in the early stages of the disease, that helps to achieve recovery.

Myth 5. The source of evil is mobile phones. Their radiation provokes the development of cancer cells.

The link between mobile phone use and cancer has not been established. It is also not true that the frequent use of deodorants and hair dyes can lead to cancer. Household products are not useful, but they cannot cause cancer.

Myth 6: Using sunscreen blocks cancer

Means that reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation are not able to fully protect against cancer. The use of sunscreen lotion or cream is just a link in the prevention of cancer.

Myth 7. Oncology is a hereditary disease

Scientists have found that, in fact, there is a genetic predisposition to some types of cancer. But in order for the disease to arise, good reasons are needed. Have family members suffered from cancer? Do not forget to undergo regular medical examinations. Even with poor heredity, a healthy lifestyle will help not to get sick. The fact is that only 5-10% of cancer cases are directly inherited by genes. Cancer-causing mutations are a major cause of cancer. Such changes can occur due to smoking, alcohol consumption, and radiation exposure.

Myth 8. Stress in most cases leads to the emergence of cancerous tumors

The statement is only partially true. Stressful situations cause hormonal disorders, which, in turn, can reduce immunity. Having lost its natural defenses, the body becomes an available target for oncology. Therefore, an active lifestyle, good rest, sleep, moderate physical activity and the absence of bad habits will help to avoid a fatal illness.

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