
General description of the disease

Bursitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the bursa (periarticular sac), due to which the accumulation of fluid (exudates) begins in its cavity.

Read also our dedicated article on Joint Nutrition.

Classification of bursitis depending on:

  1. 1 places of the disease: shoulder, elbow, knee, femoral, calcaneal (species are located according to their prevalence);
  2. 2 clinical picture: subacute and acute; recurrent and chronic;
  3. 3 pathogen: not specific or, conversely, specific, which provoked such diseases as: brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  4. 4 accumulated fluid in the mucous bag: purulent, serous, hemorrhagic.


  • excessive stress on the joints, due to which they are constantly stressed and under pressure;
  • injury to the bursa or tendons;
  • the same movement, which is repeated often and regularly (golfers can be attributed to this risk group, since they constantly repeat swings when hitting with a club);
  • bursitis is often called “maid’s disease”, because when cleaning (kneeling) knee joints are constantly under pressure and, as a result, the disease develops;
  • various infections;
  • a sharp rise in physical activity;
  • the presence of gout, arthritis, or diathesis.

Bursitis symptoms:

  1. 1 severe joint pain;
  2. 2 where the inflammatory process has begun, swelling and redness appear, fluid collects in the bursa;
  3. 3 the patient’s movements become limited.

Preventive measures for bursitis:

  • it is necessary to heal infectious diseases in time;
  • go in for sports and physically load the body only as you prepare;
  • correct deforming joints (first of all, it concerns the foot joints).

Healthy foods for bursitis

To help the body cure the disease and support the body, with bursitis, you need to eat foods with vitamins A, C, E, eat more gelatin (at least three times a week will be enough). Therefore, eat more:

  • products of animal origin, namely: chicken, beef, fish, liver, seafood, dairy products (cream, kefir, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • vegetable products: cabbage, viburnum, carrots, beets, rose hips, bell peppers, sea buckthorn, currants, citrus fruits, nuts, cereals, pumpkins, herbs, oils.

Jellied fish, jelly, fruit and milk jellies, jelly, pumpkin porridge are best suited to the diet.

Traditional medicine for bursitis

Traditional medicine provides a whole range of remedies to combat bursitis. This is primarily:

  1. 1 calmness (it is imperative to immobilize the inflamed joint, for this it is better to use clamps, bandages, bandages);
  2. 2 ice (periodically, you need to apply a cold compress to the sore spot and massage the joint through it);
  3. 3 compression (relieves pain, you can use a regular elastic bandage);
  4. 4 elevation (the sore joint needs to be raised with the help of pillows).

The main goal of bursitis treatment is to eliminate infection, relieve inflammation and avoid complications. For these purposes, a collection made from viburnum, celery (seeds), willow and zanthoxylum is well suited. A day you need to take 15 milliliters of broth three times.

To relieve tension in the muscles, the diseased joint must be lubricated with tinctures of viburnum (bark) and lobelia. You can use them separately, or you can mix them, but only the components must be in equal amounts.

To reduce edema, compresses from laundry soap, grated potatoes, geranium leaves and cabbage are applied to the sore spot.

If you suffer from severe and acute pain, you can apply a compress with Dimexide (Dimexide solution can be easily bought at a pharmacy, the main thing is to dilute it with distilled water according to the instructions). If you apply Dimexide in its pure form, an allergic rash may appear or the skin may be damaged.

Salt baths are an effective remedy. A 50-liter bath will require 2 kilograms of salt (you just need to dissolve it). The only feature of this procedure is the use of a glass of grapefruit juice (it also helps to remove excess fluid from the bursa).

To restore motor function and relieve inflammation, you need to rub with mustard-camphor ointment. Ingredients: 100 grams of melted wax (beeswax), 5 tablespoons of mustard powder and 100 milliliters of alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly. Smear the affected joint, put wax paper on top, cover with a bag and wrap it up.

Dangerous and harmful foods for bursitis

  • fast food;
  • margarine;
  • store canned food, sausages;
  • sweet soda;
  • alcohol;
  • too salty, fatty foods;
  • fast foods;
  • products with the “E” code, with artificial dyes.

All of these foods contain oxidants and have a detrimental effect on the health of joints and bones. Also, such food is heavy for the stomach and kidneys (due to the violation of water-salt metabolism, excess fluid can accumulate).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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