General description of the disease
Blindness is a state of complete lack of vision of a person, although sometimes this term also refers to various disorders of the functioning of the eye.
Read also our dedicated eye nutrition article.
Types of blindness
- Chicken blindness, or hemeralopathy – the inability of a person to see in poor lighting conditions. The disease is transmitted genetically or acquired by a person in the process of life.
- Color blindness – the inability of a person to distinguish some colors. This is a genetic disorder. Moreover, people with color blindness, in general, have good eyesight.
- River blindness – occurs as a result of a midge bite, which brings into the human body the larvae of a parasite worm that causes visual impairment. You can become infected with the disease by swimming in the reservoirs where these insects live. The disease is common in Africa, Latin America and Eastern countries.
- Snow blindness – a temporary condition caused by edema of corneal cells. Human vision in this condition is reduced or lost as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. With snow blindness, people can still distinguish outlines of objects.
Causes of blindness:
- 1 Complications after traumatic eye injuries, diabetes mellitus, macular degeneration.
- 2 Infections (leprosy, onchocerciasis, herpes simplex), cataracts, glaucoma, glasses for vision correction most often lead to blindness in third world countries.
- 3 Vitamin A deficiency, retinopathy of prematurity, stroke, inflammatory eye diseases, retinitis pigmentosa, genetic eye diseases, malignant eye tumors, methanol poisoning can also provoke blindness.
Symptoms of blindness:
- A feeling of tension in the eye area, pain, sensation of a foreign body, discharge from the eyes usually signal visual impairment. If they occur, you must immediately consult a doctor to rule out the appearance of blindness.
- In case of blindness as a result of infection, the transparent cornea of the eye becomes white.
- With cataract blindness, the pupil appears white.
- Depending on the degree of the disease, a person may partially lose sight when moving.
Healthy foods for blindness
Treatment of blindness depends on the cause of its occurrence. For example, with cataracts, surgical intervention is required, with abnormalities of refraction of vision – the appointment of glasses, and with inflammation or infections – drug treatment. However, blindness can also occur as a result of malnutrition or malnutrition. In this case, you need to revise your diet and start adhering to a special diet.
- When there is night blindness It is very important to consume enough foods with vitamin A, as its deficiency can provoke the appearance of this disease. Vitamin A is rich in liver, butter, egg yolk, cream, cheese and rippled fat. From vegetables, fruits and herbs, it is useful to use carrots, apricots, spinach, parsley, pumpkin, blackberries, black currants, blueberries, peaches, tomatoes, green peas.
- For the full assimilation of vitamin A, vitamin E is needed, which is contained in spinach, broccoli, nuts, seeds, cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, oatmeal, liver, milk, egg yolks, rose hips.
- Also, for the effective assimilation of vitamins A and E and their rapid entry into the cells of the body, zinc is needed, which is found in lamb, beef, oysters, peanuts, sesame, veal liver and legumes (peas, beans).
- Selenium, which is found in the liver of animals, legumes, nuts, chicken eggs, barley, rice and wheat, has similar properties.
- RџSЂRё night blindness it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin B2, as it is necessary for the normal functioning of the retina. These can be cabbage, fresh peas, green beans, almonds, tomatoes, sprouted wheat, turnips, brewer’s yeast, leeks, potatoes, liver, beef, dairy products, especially cheese and cottage cheese.
- Vitamin PP also takes an active part in ensuring normal vision. Sources of this vitamin are pork, beef liver, chicken, especially white, fish, milk, eggs, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, dates, cereals, legumes, peanuts.
- With diabetic retinopathy, it is necessary to eat a sufficient amount of foods that contain simple carbohydrates, such as buckwheat, brown rice, legumes (beans, lentils, peas). It is also beneficial to consume greens, cabbage and other vegetables, as they are rich in fiber, which provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
- Also, when blindness occurs due to diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to constantly eat apples with peels, as they stabilize the blood sugar level.
- Moreover, when blindness occurs, doctors recommend eating foods with vitamin C, which is known for its regenerating and protective properties. These are rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, bell peppers, cabbage, strawberries, citrus fruits, spinach.
- Vitamin D also has a positive effect on the health of the retina, preventing its destruction. Sources of this vitamin are raw egg yolk, fish liver, dairy products (especially cottage cheese and butter), seafood.
- In addition, you need to consume the maximum amount of fruits and vegetables that enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
- To maintain salt balance, you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to give preference to fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, weak tea, mineral water without gas.
Folk remedies for the treatment of blindness
- 1 It is useful for people suffering from night blindness to drink 1/3 tbsp at night. carrot broth. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water or milk, adding 3 tbsp. l. grated carrots. Boil the broth until tender, then strain.
- 2 Also, with blindness, folk healers recommend drinking a strong infusion of black currant leaves, and, as often as possible. The same infusion should be poured over the head three times a day. Moreover, this method of treatment is considered to be quite effective.
- 3 In case of blindness, it is recommended to drink fish oil three times a day and eat boiled, fried or raw liver.
- 4 In addition, with blindness, you can boil a lot of lamb or beef liver and, after removing the pan with this liver from the fire, bend over it. In this case, the head must be covered with a thick cloth so that the steam from the pan gets only into the eyes and face of the patient, and does not scatter around. The effect of such treatment is observed after the first warming up. It can be strengthened by eating boiled liver for 14 days.
- 5 Eating young nettle soups for 1 month significantly improves vision in night blindness. To enhance the effect during this period, you need to wear, without removing, dark glasses.
- 6 With a lack of vitamin A, you can use 0.5 tbsp three times a day after meals. infusion of the leaves of lingonberry, blackberry, primrose, forest raspberries, viburnum, lemon balm and rhizomes of the snake knotweed, taken in equal parts. 12 g of this collection is brewed in 700 ml of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes.
- 7 For the same purpose, you can use an infusion of birch leaves, cloudberries, St. John’s wort, peppermint, flax, blueberries and rose hips, taken in equal parts. To prepare it, 6 g of the collection is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. This infusion must be drunk within 3 hours after eating, dividing it into 4-XNUMX doses.
- 8 In case of blindness as a result of traumatic exposure, aloe juice can be instilled into the eyes three times a day. The effect of this method of treatment occurs within 5 days.
- 9 In the event of snow blindness, it will be enough to transfer the victim to a dark room and apply a thick bandage over his eyes.
- 10 When night blindness occurs, folk healers also recommend lubricating the eyelids with a mixture of honey and ammonia.
Dangerous and harmful foods for blindness
- With diabetic retinopathy, it is very important to exclude from your diet foods that increase blood sugar levels – baked goods, chocolate, jam, candy.
- It is also necessary to limit the consumption of salty and spicy foods, as they make you feel hungry.
- It is not advisable to consume excessively fatty and smoked foods, especially with blindness caused by diabetes mellitus, as they provoke the appearance of extra pounds. In addition, fats are capable of oxidizing vitamin A in the body, the deficiency of which leads to this disease.
- During this period, it is important to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, which poison the body with toxins and reduce its defenses.
- Do not overuse caffeinated drinks, as according to recent studies, it interferes with the absorption of a number of beneficial micronutrients in the body, especially calcium.
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