Berry season: who shouldn’t eat cherries

Berry season: who shouldn’t eat cherries

Now it is full everywhere: in markets, in stores, in stalls near the metro. It is almost impossible to resist the temptation. But some still need to exert willpower.

Many are waiting for this moment all year long – when will the season of summer berries come again and it will be possible to overeat with strawberries, cherries, and then raspberries. And at this moment there is a surge of poisoning, rotavirus infection, salmonellosis – all this can be easily picked up by eating the “wrong” berry. But in no case should you give up pleasure. You just need to get it right.

Why cherries are useful

A whole book can be written about this, perhaps it has already been written. We have collected all the most important things. First of all, cherries are very useful for those who suffer from arterial hypertension, anemia, and constipation. It also helps to lose weight. And that’s why.

  • Sweet cherry is a low-calorie berry. There are only about 100 kcal per 50 g.

  • It contains a lot of vitamin C. The same 100 g of berries cover about 20% of the body’s daily need for ascorbic acid.

  • Cherries are high in potassium and magnesium, which makes them good for the heart. And also – phosphorus and iron, useful for metabolic processes and the circulatory system.

“Red and burgundy berries contain more vitamin A and iron, pink ones contain more vitamin C, and white ones are less likely to cause allergies,” the experts say. Rospotrebnadzor.

  • Sweet cherries are good for digestion: due to their high fiber content, they have a good effect on the intestines.

  • Moreover, not only the berries themselves are useful, but also the petioles – the stalks. They are brewed at the rate of 8-10 per cup and drunk like tea.

“Such a decoction has a strong diuretic effect, removes urea and urates from the body, is used for edema, gout, dropsy, urolithiasis and uric acid diathesis, hypertension,” experts explain.

In addition, a decoction of cherry stalks promotes rapid weight loss: it not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also speeds up the metabolism, so that fat burns faster. True, you still have to move. If you just lie on the couch, you will not notice the fat burning effect.

Who is not allowed to eat cherries

With all these great pluses, cherries also have minuses. No one – no one at all – should eat more than 300–400 g at a time, and even that amount may be enough to cause diarrhea. Do not eat cherries after a meal, as this can cause indigestion and gas.

In addition, among the contraindications:

  • Diabetes – People with diabetes should not eat sweet cherries.

  • Allergy – bright berries are contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

  • Acute gastritis with high acidity – in this case, there is a risk of severely damaging the stomach.

  • Age – berries can only be given to babies without seeds. If a child swallows a bone, it will not harm him. But if you breathe in, then the consequences can be the most terrible.

How to eat cherries

Buy berries only where you can ask the seller for a certificate of the quality of cherries and documents about where they came from.

The most season for cherries is from late June to late July. Early cherries are not so sweet and tasty, while late cherries can be spoiled.

Wash the cherries thoroughly, but with cool water – you do not need to scald with boiling water.

First of all, eat berries without tails: they spoil faster.

It is necessary to store cherries in a paper bag in the refrigerator separately from apples and bananas – cherries spoil the neighborhood with these fruits.  

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