Bellefleur apple tree

Bellefleur apple tree

The Bellefleur-Kitayka apple variety has existed for over 100 years. It appeared thanks to the experiments of I.V. Michurin, who wanted to adapt the American apple variety of the same name to the Russian climate. In the process of selection, the scientist managed to achieve not only an increase in weight and an extension of the ripening period of the crop, but also an improvement in the keeping quality of fruits.

Apple-tree “Bellefleur-Chinese” – characteristic of the variety

The variety was bred as a result of crossing a Chinese apple tree and a yellow “Bellefleur”. The apple tree is perfectly zoned for cultivation in the gardens of the Chernozem and Central regions of Russia. The most common apple trees of this variety are found in the orchards of the North Caucasus region.

The best way to breed Bellefleur is by grafting

The variety is tall, the tree can grow up to 10 m high. The branches are powerful and branched. The bark of trees has a dark brown color with a reddish tint. Ovate leaves are large enough, dark green in color

This apple tree is a late-ripening variety, the harvest ripens only in September. The apple tree begins to bear fruit only in the 7-8th year after planting, the fruiting period averages 18-20 years. The yield of the variety is high, at a young age up to 70 kg of fruits can be harvested from one tree, and subsequently up to 200 kg of the crop. The disadvantages include low frost resistance and low resistance to diseases, especially scab.

Description of the apple-tree “Bellefleur-China”

The fruits of the apple tree have a roundish-oval, slightly ribbed shape. Apples have a short, thick stalk – up to 10 mm in length. The seeds are very large with a special longitudinal tubercle. The surface of the apples is golden fawn, on top of which there are bright red streaks and specks.

Apple fruits have a snow-white pulp with a slightly sour spicy taste. The structure of the pulp is tender, fine-grained. The aroma of apples is pronounced, persistent

The average weight of one apple is 200-340 g. There is evidence that with proper care of the tree, it is possible to grow fruits weighing up to 500 g. Harvesting is recommended 2 weeks before full maturity and allowing them to reach it in a cool dry place. Under proper conditions, apples can be stored for more than 2 months.

Despite some disadvantages, the Bellefleur-Kitayka variety is quite popular among gardeners. Carefully and properly caring for apple trees, you can enjoy the wonderful sunny scent on long winter evenings.

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