Beetroot: all the nutritional benefits

Pro tips

To choose it well : raw beets should have barely dried out skin. Cooked, it should be very smooth.

To keep it longer : packed in a paper bag or in an airtight box, it can be kept for 5 days in the fridge, in the vegetable drawer. If it is raw, cut the tops.

Cooking side, count 2h30 in boiling water, 1h30 in the oven or 30 min in steam. To check doneness, do not stick a knife into the flesh but rub the skin around the stem. Does it come off easily? It’s ready.

To save time, you can opt for already cooked beets, they are ready to be eaten.

Good to know

Rich in sugar, beets are quite energetic but they also contain fiber to be easily digested.

Magical associations

In salad, beets delicately accompany vegetables such as potatoes, lamb’s lettuce, celeriac, endives, or fruits such as apples and oranges. Go for more contrasting mixes, adding herring or smoked duck breast.

Sautéed in a pan with a little butter and onions or garlic, they bring a touch of sweetness to fish and meats.

Served with fresh cheese like goat cheese or cheese spreads and a few sprigs of chives, it’s a good idea for a fresh and light starter.  

Raw grated, they go well with lemon juice and olive oil or a mustard vinaigrette.


In video: Food diversification: when to start?



Did you know ?

Do not peel the raw beet before cooking, wash it and immerse it in boiling water. It will be easier to peel afterwards.

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