Sorted out a fitness program in search of a simple workout for the whole body? Pay attention to the workout Cindy Whitmarsh “Beauty for 10 minutes”, which will help you to achieve a slim and toned figure.
Description of the program “Beauty for 10 minutes” with Cindy Whitmarsh
“Beauty for 10 minutes” — a set of exercises from Cindy Whitmarsh for those who are just starting to do fitness. The program is designed to work on the muscles of the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. You will strengthen your body, making it more elastic and relief. The course consists of 5 training sessions for different problem areas, with a duration of 10 minutes. All of the available exercises to be simple, even beginners. The program is accompanied by detailed commentary of the coach all the nuances of the exercise.
The fitness course consists of the following videoframerate:
- For the glutes. Which of the girls does not dream of a beautiful and elastic ass? Along with Cindy Whitmarsh you will do effective exercises for the gluteal. The second half of the training will take place on the Mat.
- For the hips. The lesson is based on squats and lunges, which involve the front and back of the thigh and the inner part.
- For hands. Remove sagging on the arms with classic exercises for biceps, triceps and shoulders. For exercises you will need dumbbells and a Mat. You can start with dumbbells 0.5 kg, gradually increasing the weight.
- For the press. The coach can boast of a 6 pack, so it’s time to take her example and do the exercises for the press. You waiting for plank, leg raises and lifts the shoulders. Stomach muscles will work continuously.
- The power stretch. This lesson is designed for deep stretching of the muscles and a flexible body. Cindy also offers a good static exercise for additional muscle tone.
As you can see, the program “Beauty for 10 minutes” uses all the muscles in your body. You can perform one workout per day, and you can do the whole cottage. However, it is not necessary in the first day to give yourself a heavy load, it is better to gradually adapt to the classroom. You also need to be ready to feel the muscle pain the next day after the execution of a program. No reason to leave, gradually your body will get used to the loads.
If you have not yet decided where to start, we recommend you to watch the overview training for beginners with Jillian Michaels, where you’ll also be able to find a suitable fitness course.
The pros and cons of the program
1. The program “Beauty for 10 minutes” is perfect for beginners. Cindy Whitmarsh offers an affordable but effective exercises for all problem areas.
2. Workout will help you strengthen the abdominal muscles, tighten the buttocks and thighs, reduce sagging hands. Without attention there will be no one part of the body.
3. The coach is very detailed and explains all the features of the exercises, so you won’t have issues even if you have never been in a gym. Besides, the video is in Russian language.
4. For classes you do not need any additional equipment except for dumbbells and a Mat.
5. Cindy Whitmarsh offers basic exercises for the whole body, which lie at the Foundation of many fitness programs.
6. Videoframerate conveniently broken down for 10 minutes. You can perform the exercises on a separate problem area, you can combine multiple classes, and can do the whole cottage.
1. Exercise more suitable for beginners and those who have never been functional exercises.
2. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, then this program should be combined with aerobic load. We recommend you to watch: the best cardio workout for everyone.
“Beauty for 10 minutes” is the ideal program for beginners. It will help to work on your problem areas, strengthen muscles and form a lean body. Short and effective workout will be the best option for those who are just starting to do fitness.
Read also: Top best workouts for beginners or where to start to do fitness?