Bananas: good or bad? Video

Among tropical fruits, banana ranks first in the Russian market in terms of popularity. Like any other fruit, banana has many beneficial properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but during transportation, a significant part of them is lost. This fruit also has several negative effects.

Banana is one of the most common fruits in the tropics; it began to be grown in ancient times. Residents of Southeast Asia believe that there is a slight inaccuracy in the biblical tradition – the serpent tempted Eve not with an apple, but with a banana, and the Indians call it a paradise fruit. In Ecuador, they eat a huge amount of bananas – this is the basis of the Ecuadorian diet. High nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, a large amount of protein give the body energy and help prevent many diseases.

Benefits of bananas

The main advantage of bananas is the high content of potassium – a trace element very important for the cardiovascular system. Together with magnesium, which is also present in sufficient quantities in the fruit, these two minerals saturate the brain with oxygen and normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Due to the potassium and magnesium content, doctors recommend eating a lot of bananas for those who want to quit smoking, as these substances help to overcome addiction.

Bananas contain a lot of B vitamins, which have a whole range of beneficial effects: they relieve stress, suppress aggression, and strengthen the nervous system. Tryptophan – aminopropionic acid – also has a similar effect, in addition, when this substance enters the body, the hormone of joy serotonin is formed. Therefore, bananas improve mood, improve the state of depression and blues.

To transport bananas to the northern regions, they are treated with gas, and the content of vitamins and microelements in them is significantly reduced.

Bananas contain a lot of iron, which helps to form hemoglobin in human blood. Like many other fruits, it also contains fiber to help improve gastrointestinal function.

Finally, bananas contain many natural sugars of various types: glucose, sucrose and fructose, which quickly energize the body. Due to this property, bananas are very popular among athletes.

Bananas have several harmful properties that can be harmful to some people. For example, this product increases the viscosity of the blood, so people with varicose veins are not advised to eat a lot of bananas. The same effect has an effect on erection, since blood begins to flow worse to the right parts of the body, but in order to bring the body to such a state, you need to eat bananas in very large quantities.

On the other hand, the tryptophan in banana increases sexual performance

Bananas eaten immediately after a hearty meal begin to ferment in the stomach and linger for a long time due to undigested food, resulting in bloating and flatulence. But many other fruits have the same effect. There is also an opinion that bananas are contraindicated for stomach ulcers.

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