Astrid Veillon’s pregnancy

You had your son when you were almost 40 years old. How did you experience this pregnancy?

With a lot of anguish, doubts, with the fear of losing this baby. I was very affected when my mother lost a baby. I was also afraid of losing my freedom and I asked myself a lot of questions. Was I going to raise this baby well, be a good mother? I felt big, heavy. It was not an idyllic pregnancy. I admit that I had few moments of serenity. But as soon as I saw it, I forgot everything. This moment is common to all mothers.

It’s good for me to have waited. I had a chaotic life, I sorted out some things. I did not have a child to heal wounds. But it’s true, it also increased my anxieties tenfold. At 20, I would have asked myself fewer questions.

Why did you write a book on pregnancy?

My book was a good outlet, I wrote it in a sort of emergency. I wrote for myself as soon as I knew I was pregnant. To remember, to tell my son or daughter. Then it was a combination of circumstances. My editor told me: yes, write! I felt very free, unafraid of judgment.

It is also the look of a woman who gets pregnant in today’s world. I wrote every day, confronting myself with subjects like the H1N1 flu, the earthquake in Haiti, Elisabeth Badinter’s book. I’m talking about everything… and love! As I closed it, I said to myself it’s a bit sad anyway. It’s a bit like Bridget Jones who gets pregnant.

Was the place of the future dad important during your pregnancy?

Oh yes ! I gained 25 kilos during my pregnancy. Fortunately, I had a patient man, very present and attentive. He never judged me. Poor man, what did I show him!

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