Asparagus season is here! Check why it is worth reaching for it
Asparagus season is here! Check why it is worth reaching for it

Asparagus is one of the most tasty and popular symbols of spring. In the past, they were considered something exclusive, today we can enjoy them during the season for this vegetable or in a marinated form, available all year round on store shelves. They are generally considered to be difficult to prepare, but this is not true – you will find a lot of simple and delicious recipes online!

Why should you eat asparagus?

They have many vitamins and minerals, and in 100g they have only 18 kcal. They are considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. We divide them into three types, although they are shoots of the same species. Different colors result from different cultivation methods:

  1. Green asparagus – the thinnest of all varieties, they are expressive and spicy in taste, they are distinguished by an excellent aroma. You don’t need to peel them before cooking as they are quite soft. That is why they are characterized by the largest amount of beneficial substances, because they do not lose their precious skin, under which we can find phosphorus, magnesium, potassium or calcium.
  2. Purple asparagus – in comparison to white and green ones, they have more sugars and less fibre, they are difficult to cultivate, they are very rare (mainly in Italy and England).
  3. White asparagus – have a delicate and mild taste, are of medium thickness. Unfortunately, they are tougher than their green relatives, so they need to be peeled before cooking. As a result, they lose some valuable properties.

How to eat asparagus?

The best will be those cooked in water or steamed. The intensity of their taste is emphasized by the lack of additives, thanks to which they are juicy and crunchy. To make them an aphrodisiac, just pour olive oil on them or sprinkle them with lemon juice. They also taste good with breadcrumbs and butter.

Asparagus is considered an aphrodisiac because it contains folic acid, which regulates the level of histamine in the blood. What’s more, they contain phytoestrogens that act in the female body just like estrogen, i.e. they stimulate libido.

What good is hidden in asparagus – a list of nutritional properties

They have few calories and many vitamins and minerals:

  • Aspargina – responsible for the proper level of hydration of the body and the proper functioning of the kidneys,
  • inulin – supports the work of the digestive system,
  • Folic acid – an element necessary for pregnant women. It determines the proper development of the fetus, supports the work of the circulatory system, delays the aging process and regenerates damaged cells,
  • roughage – has a slimming effect and improves bowel movements,
  • Beta-carotene, vitamins C and E – affect the skin, hair and nails,
  • Potassium, calcium and phosphorus – affect the diuretic properties of asparagus, the condition of teeth and bones,
  • glutathione – prevents the development of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, strengthens immunity, supports the work of the liver and cleanses the body of toxins.

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