Apron on the stomach: how to remove it? Video training

The hanging fold in the lower abdomen, popularly nicknamed the apron, can sometimes be seen even in slender young ladies. The most common reasons for its appearance are childbirth and dramatic weight loss, when the weight is gone, and the muscles and skin did not have time to tone up. The apron does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so many women would like to get rid of it.

In order for skin cells to tone up, they need a building material. All the necessary trace elements, amino acids and vitamins must be present in your diet (special attention should be paid to vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, parsley, rose hips, carrots, cabbage). Real harm can be brought about by a long mono-diet, during which only one product is allowed. If you want to lose weight and not spoil your figure – reduce the number of calories, eat small portions, adhere to the principle of separate meals, give up fried and start steaming, but do not exclude vital foods from your diet.

In winter and spring, when you do not eat enough vegetables and fruits, drink vitamin complexes

Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees. Place your hands behind your head and lift the upper half of your body as high as possible, and then return it to its original position. Thanks to this exercise, you will not only get rid of the apron, but also remove excess fat from the sides.

The lower abdomen is one of the most problematic areas, but if you incorporate abdominal exercises into your daily routine, the apron will slowly but surely disappear.

Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your torso. Lift your legs off the ground and lift them 90 degrees, then bend them at the knees and lower them to the right. The exercise should be done several times on one side or the other.

Lying on the floor, raise your legs and write out various numbers with them in the air. This exercise is a real panacea. The lower abdomen will tighten.

A combination of treatment of the hanging lower abdomen with a coffee scrub and massage gives a positive effect. You can peel your skin at home.

It is good to use regular coffee grounds as an exfoliating agent after drinking your favorite drink.

Apply coffee mixed with a small amount of shower gel to the problem area and massage it for a few minutes (you can use a special anti-cellulite sponge for this), then rinse off the remnants of the homemade scrub with warm water and lubricate the skin with a cream from the fitness line, which not only moisturizes skin, but also tightens it. It is advisable to combine the daily use of the scrub with massage sessions by an experienced specialist who, with his movements, will help the skin and muscles to tone up.

Also interesting to read: electrolysis.

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