Apathy: all you need to know about apathetic behavior

Apathy: all you need to know about apathetic behavior

Apathy refers to a loss of motivation, desires and emotions. Listless behavior can be the result of emotional trauma, psychological disorders, or brain damage.

What is apathy?

Apathy is a state of generalized indifference which results in the partial or total absence of response to certain usual stimuli. Listless behavior is manifested by:

  • the absence of emotions, sensations and desires;
  • lack of motivation and initiative;
  • loss of interest in others.

What are the causes of apathy?

Apathy can be the consequence:

  • an trauma ;
  • de certain psychological disorders ;
  • de neurological or brain damage.

What are the causes of glomerulonephritis?

The diagnosis of glomerulonephritis is complex because this condition can have many origins:

  • a hereditary origin ;
  • metabolic dysfunctions ;
  • an autoimmune disease, such as systemic lupus (lupus glomerulonephritis) or Goodpasture syndrome;
  • an infection, such as strep throat (poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis) or tooth abscess;
  • a malignant tumor.

In nearly 25% of cases, glomerulonephritis is said to be idiopathic, meaning the exact cause is unknown.

Causes of traumatic origin

The onset of listless behavior can be caused by emotional shock, emotional trauma, or a state of great stress.

Causes of psychological origin

Listless behavior can also be due to certain psychological disorders including:

  • la trough, which results in particular in an almost permanent sadness and a loss of interest and pleasure;
  • le bipolar disorder, formerly called manic-depressive illness, which manifests as abnormal mood swings;
  • la schizophrenia, which is a psychiatric illness grouping together different symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations;
  • certain addictive disorders, which follow an addiction to alcohol, drugs, etc.
  • disorders due to hypothyroidism, which are the consequence of insufficient production of thyroid hormones.

Causes of neurological origin

Apathy can also be the consequence of brain damage, due to certain neurodegenerative diseases or other conditions affecting the neural sphere. In particular, listless behavior can be diagnosed when:

  • of dementia, a syndrome that results in impaired memory, reasoning, behavior and the ability to perform daily tasks;
  • of Alzheimer’s disease, the main cause of dementia, which is characterized by a progressive disappearance of neurons leading to an impairment of cognitive faculties;
  • of Parkinson’s disease, which is due to destruction of dopamine neurons present in the substantia nigra of the brain and involved in movement control;
  • of Huntington’s disease, an inherited condition which results in degeneration of neurons involved in motor, cognitive and behavioral functions;
  • an stroke (Stroke), also called a stroke, which is caused by a blockage or rupture of a vessel that supplies the brain with water;
  • post-concussion syndrome (PCS), which follows concussions.

What are the consequences of apathy?

Apathy negatively affects emotional responsiveness, motivation, initiative and passion. This state of indifference also impacts social relations with a loss of interest. Listless behavior is usually accompanied by some form of generalized fatigue.

In the most serious cases, an apathetic person does not feel any concern about his behavior. She accepts it and does not perceive any disturbance. The role of relatives is therefore essential to enable the diagnosis and treatment of apathy.

What solutions to treat apathy?

If in doubt about apathy, it is advisable to contact a health professional. A general practitioner can make a first diagnosis. This can be supplemented by medical examinations and consultation with a specialist.

The treatment of apathy is often complex. It depends above all on the origin of the apathetic behavior. Medical care may in particular be based on:

  • drug treatment, especially in the event of depressive disorders with the prescription of antidepressant drugs;
  • consultations with a psychologist.

To combat apathy, patients are also advised to maintain or regain a social bond by participating in group meetings, as well as in various activities.

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