Ant bite: how to relieve it?
Although they do not seem a priori very threatening, some ants do not hesitate to sting the adventurous who would encroach on their territory. Which species can sting? And how do you relieve the symptoms? The answers of Dr Marie-Estelle Roux, dermatologist.
Do all ants sting?
If the small black ants, also called garden ants, are completely harmless, certain species of ants known as “inferior” have a small sting and can use it to sting and inject their venom.
Which ants bite?
The ants of the myrmicine family
This is particularly the case with ants of the myrmicine family, which belong to the order Hymenoptera, just like wasps. The most famous representative of this family is Myrmica rubra, better known as the red ant.
The “Formica polyctena” ant
Other species, such as Formica polyctena, also called red wood ants, do not have a sting, but are able to bite with their small mandibles, then spray a jet of formic acid on them. wounds.
The “superior” ants
Finally, some so-called “superior” ants have glands connected to the mandibles, which inject a very irritating saliva at the bite.
In France, however, no species of ants is dangerous, which is not the case everywhere in the world. In Australia in particular, the bite of the bulldog ant, also known as jumping ant, can cause anaphylactic shock in people with allergies.
Ant bite: what are the symptoms?
Ants can either bite or sting depending on the species. “Red ants bite and inject their venom, which contains formic acid. A urticarial reaction then forms on the skin, as after a sting of nettle, ”describes the dermatologist.
A small papule then forms “which looks like a small blister on the skin, red, painful and itchy”.
In the event of a serious allergic reaction, it may be useful to consult your doctor.
There is a species of ant called bullet ant in Venezuela, whose bite is considered the most painful insect bite in the world. Its stinger is capable of injecting up to 13 drops of its poisonous venom per second and the pain it provides is comparable to that of a gunshot – hence its name.
How to relieve the ant bite?
Move away from the place of the attack
In the event of an ant bite or bite, you must first make sure to move away from the site of the attack, because an ant rarely walks alone and the anthill is probably not very far.
Cleanse the skin with water
“You then have to cleanse the skin with soap and water and run it under cool water to relieve the sting,” says Dr. Roux. “In case of intense irritation, some creams or sprays contain soothing agents.”
In the event of an allergic reaction
If an allergic reaction occurs, with severe swelling, it may be helpful to take an antihistamine tablet.
Symptoms most often disappear within a few hours.
Natural remedies for ant bite
There are some natural remedies that can be helpful in relieving ant stings.
This is particularly the case:
- Honey, with soothing, antiseptic and antibiotic properties,
- Aloe vera, soothing and anti-inflammatory, relieves itching,
- Lemon, antiseptic and natural healing,
- Or baking soda, a recognized disinfectant, perfect for relieving pain.