Anders Celsius: biography and discoveries of a Swedish scientist

Anders Celsius: biography and discoveries of a Swedish scientist

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Who is Celsius

Anders Celsius is a Swedish astronomer, physicist and mathematician. Lived: 1701-1744, was born and died in Uppsala (a city in Sweden). He is famous for having created a scale for measuring temperature and founded an astronomical observatory.

Biography of Anders Celsius

On November 27, 1701, a son was born into the family of the professor of astronomy Niels Celsius, who continued the family dynasty. His two grandfathers were professors in mathematics and astronomy, and his uncle was a theologian, botanist and historian. Anders was an unusually talented child. From childhood, he showed an interest in science and loved to study mathematics.

The further life of Celsius was closely connected with the Uppsala University. Here he studied, and then worked as a professor of astronomy, taught and was engaged in scientific work. In addition, he was appointed Secretary of the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala.

This talented scientist devoted himself to science, having lived a short but interesting and full of discoveries life. He died of tuberculosis on April 25, 1744, but his deeds are immortal.

Scientific works and discoveries of Celsius

  • In tracking the Northern (polar) lights, he was the first to note the connection between the aurora and changes in the Earth’s magnetic field;
  • from 1732 to 1736, the astronomer traveled extensively to other countries to expand his knowledge. Visited the observatories in Berlin and Nuremberg for extensive research;
  • in 1736 he took part in an expedition to Lapland organized by the French Academy of Sciences. The goal of the expedition was to measure the meridian in the north to verify Newton’s assumption that the Earth is flat at the poles. The research of the expedition confirmed this fact;
  • in 1739 he contributed to the creation of the “Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences” in Stockholm;
  • created the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory in 1741, which was also his home;
  • accurately measured the brightness of 300 stars using a system of identical glass plates that absorbed light;
  • in 1742 he created a temperature scale based on the boiling and freezing points of water. Later it became known as the “Celsius scale”

Anders Celsius: biography and discoveries of a Swedish scientist

Published works of the scientist:

  • 1730 – “Thesis on a new method for determining the distance from the Sun to the Earth”
  • 1738 – “Study of observations made in France to determine the shape of the Earth”

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