Amalgam fillings – what is hidden in our teeth?

Amalgam fillings, also called dental amalgams or silver fillings, are an alloy consisting mainly of silver and mercury, as well as tin and copper. Amalgam seals have been found to be harmful to the human body, therefore their use has been withdrawn in some countries. In our country, silver fillings are used to this day, but only in public health care clinics. Dental amalgams are used to fill the cavities of the side teeth.

Differences between amalgam and composite fillings

The first thing to understand is what composite seals are. These are well-known white fillings that are fixed with light. Apart from the obvious difference in color, the seals have a different durability. Amalgam seals can remain in good condition for up to 30 years. Composite seals, on the other hand, are durable for about 10 years. Silver fillings are also considered more resistant to damage. Still, they have disadvantages. First of all, this type of fillings does not adhere to enamel and dentine. This can result in crevices into which caries-causing bacteria can penetrate. You can also find information that amalgam fillings lead to discoloration of the tooth tissues, and in some cases also the gums. Interestingly, as a result of temperature changes, the volume of amalgam may increase, and thus – the thin walls of the tooth may crack. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that silver seals look unsightly, unlike composite ones. The biggest disadvantage of amalgam fillings is the content of toxic mercury.

Types of amalgam fillings

Amalgam seals are divided into two types. Some are additions to the old generation, the other modern. The former are known in medical terminology as those with the gamma 2 phase, while the latter type of amalgam fillings do not have this phase. Modern amalgams are in the form of capsules, and thus – they do not release mercury and do not adversely affect our health. Old generation amalgam seals are not used in Poland.

Harmfulness of amalgam fillings

The harmfulness of amalgam fillings, even those of the old generation, is being questioned. There are studies proving that amalgam can be a threat to our body. Experts even say that mercury in the fillings can cause autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Mercury is also considered very dangerous for pregnant women. Scientists say mercury is released into the mouth from tooth fillings all the time. You can also find information that chewing gum increases the amount of mercury released. Additionally, people with amalgam fillings should not eat hot dishes or drink hot drinks because mercury is released with increasing temperature. Interestingly, when placing or removing an amalgam filling, a higher concentration of mercury vapor is generated in the patient’s exhaled air. The second group of specialists does not see the dangers of having amalgam fillings. Scientists say that the fillings are safe for our body. Additionally, specialists report that mercury leaking from amalgam fillings is only 10 percent. The rest of the mercury enters our body through food, water and air. Researchers also argue that removing such fillings is not risky. It all depends on whether the procedure is performed under the correct conditions.

What do amalgam seals have in common with Wi-Fi?

We live in a time when the Internet is widely available. Scientists conducted a study to conclude that Wi-Fi waves could release mercury from seals. In their experiment, the researchers used 20 teeth with amalgam fillings. They were placed in artificial saliva and then half of them were exposed to electromagnetic waves. Scientists noted that the level of mercury in the saliva where the teeth were placed when exposed to the waves was doubled.

Should amalgam fillings be removed?

American specialists do not recommend removing amalgam fillings. Especially if there is no decay or leakage of the seals. According to them, when getting rid of this type of fillings, the healthy structure of the tooth may be compromised. Additionally, the patient is exposed to mercury, which is released during drilling. In a situation where we are forced to remove the seal, we must remember to choose an office that is adapted to this type of treatment. The process of removing amalgam fillings consists of many elements. Among other things, the patient should have a cofferdam, isolating the specific tooth and preventing amalgam from getting into the oral cavity. An important element is also an oxygen mask, thanks to which the patient does not inhale mercury vapors.

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