All about cellulite

What is cellulite?

From a medical point of view, cellulitis is an inflammation of cellular connective tissue of infectious origin. In everyday language, cellulite refers to orange peel skin and cellulite due to an accumulation of subcutaneous fat, a phenomenon that most women are familiar with …

Aqueous cellulite

Also called infiltration cellulite, it is due to circulatory problems. Blood circulation disorders are revealed through several symptoms : sensitivity to bruising on the legs, mottling on the skin, spider veins, feeling of heavy legs, tingling or impatience in the legs and water retention. Soft to the touch, this cellulite can be present all over the body (buttocks, thighs, calves, stomach, arms, neck). The solutions to get rid of it are slimming creams, draining and disinfiltrating drinks, sport (especially walking and swimming), massages,lymphatic drainage and a diet low in salt.

Fat cellulite

As indicated by his name, this cellulite is due to an excess of fat in the diet and a lack of physical activity. It is located in particular on the hips and the saddlebags. This purely fatty cellulite is often associated with an overweight problem. To remedy this, it is necessary to combine slimming creams, sport (running, step, abs-buttocks…) and of course a diet low in fats and fast sugars.

Fibrous cellulite

This deep cellulite is compact, hard to touch, painful to pinching, and has an orange peel appearance. Usually old, it is due to the hardening of the collagen fibers that surround the adipocytes (fat cells). To reduce this cellulite which is more difficult to dislodge than the others because it is less recent, it is essential to combine the regular practice of a sport and massages.

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