After the holidays, back to balance

After the holidays, back to balance

After the holidays, back to balance
The holidays are over – or soon will be! – and good resolutions accumulate. Here are some tips for ending the year or starting off slowly and healthily …

We can’t say it enough: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But for it to provide all the energy necessary for the body, it must be full et balanced. It is important to start by hydrating your body after the overnight fast. The ideal is to drink a large glass of water when you get up. According to tastes and desires, drink a tea or a coffee. Dairy products are important because they are a source of calcium. Eat a piece of fruit, whether it is fresh or in juice. Finally, think of cereals, preferably whole, rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals. They can be eaten in the form of muesli or bread, to change from the usual cereals. You are now ready to start the day on the right foot!

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