The benefits of acupuncture for babies
In very young children, acupuncture can be beneficial from the first year. For toddlers, before the age of 3, two or three sessions are generally sufficient to make the functional disorder disappear. It can be colic, reflux, sleep problem, eczema, character disorders, asthma, gastroenteritis… So many reasons for consultation on which acupuncture can act. The needles used are very fine and are only applied to the skin for a few seconds at an acupuncture point. At each point (there are no less than 365!) Corresponds an area of the body to be treated. And by pricking on a given point, the practitioner triggers a precise reaction.
Most often, mothers who call on an acupuncturist are already initiated. They were themselves followed during pregnancy and / or after childbirth by an acupuncture specialist, who can also take over if the baby has specific disorders.
Treat reflux with acupuncture
The most frequent case of acupuncture consultation is reflux in the baby. Moms usually notice that after feeding, the little ones show certain symptoms, such as stomach aches, grimaces and general distress. Most often, the acupuncturist will prick the baby’s foot after the baby is on the breast. The needle is placed on the skin for two seconds while the baby is against its mother. A needle is applied to each foot. In two sessions maximum, the reflux is treated. If acupuncture fails, it is advisable to turn to an osteopath for further treatment.
Treat colic with acupuncture
Colic occurs in babies from their first 15 days of life to around 2 months.. The symptoms are most often gas and spasms. Acupuncture can be performed either by the application of two needles or by the moxa stick method, by heating the acupuncture points concerned. This technique stimulates the nervous system and heals the ailment. Rather, the moxa stick is used when the mom is initiated. Indeed, it is applied warm to the baby’s skin, under the control of the mother’s hand.
Treating sleep disorders with acupuncture
Another very frequent case of requests from mothers: treat their baby’s sleep disorders. However, mothers who come for a consultation often go through a difficult episode themselves, in a particular family context. Acupuncture can ease transient difficulties of mother and baby at the same time. If mom sleeps better, baby will sleep better too. The use of needles is not mandatory and very few sessions are usually sufficient to resolve the problem. If ever there are no results, a consultation with an osteopath is recommended.