Acupuncture: a remedy for every disease

Acupuncture: a remedy for every disease

Acupuncture: a remedy for every disease

Acupuncture acts directly on the nervous, hormonal and vascular system as well as on the immune system. It is governed by the idea according to which the Qi (= to pronounce “tchi”), that is to say the energies, circulate in the body through meridians. Stimulating precise acupuncture points on these meridians using needles would regulate this Qi and influence certain physiological, organic and psychic functions. The practitioner determines the exact points that should be stimulated by attentive listening to the patient’s symptoms and ailments. In general, acupuncture would treat, among other things, musculoskeletal, respiratory, intestinal, nervous disorders, etc.


Acupuncture and insomnia

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), our body has two opposing energy entities: the Yin and Yang. Yin represents the night, so it is related to relaxation and psychic rest. Yang embodies the day: it is associated with mental activity and movement. These two synergistic poles induce the alternation of wakefulness and sleep. Thus, a faulty balance could, according to the TCM, cause sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

In acupuncture, this energy instability can be treated by activating certain points which calm the activity of Yang or, on the contrary, which increase the energy of Yin and allow rest.

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