Acid-base balance of the body

According to many experts, the very high acidity of the body disrupts the normal functioning of organ systems, and they become defenseless against a variety of bacteria and viruses.

The pH is the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. If it is 7, then it is a neutral environment, if it is from 0 to 6,9, then it is an acidic environment, from 7,1 to 14 – an alkaline one. As you know, the human body is 80% water solution. The body is constantly trying to balance the ratio of acid and alkali in this solution.


The consequences of a violation of the acid-base balance in the body

If the acid-base balance is disturbed, then this can cause serious disturbances in the body. When you eat foods rich in acid and not enough water, acidification of the whole body occurs. These include sodas, cereals, foods containing sugar, sugar substitutes, baked goods, meat products, and meat.

Acidification is dangerous because it worsens the transfer of oxygen throughout the body, micro- and macroelements begin to be poorly absorbed. This can cause, first of all, disturbances in the digestive system, cell metabolism, and also causes cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, a decrease in bone density, immunity, and more. In an environment where the acid-base balance indicates acidic, various parasites, including viruses, fungi and bacteria, grow and multiply rapidly.

Nobel laureate Otto Warburg received his prize for the discovery that cancer cells do not multiply in an environment rich in oxygen, and it was later proved that viruses, bacteria and fungi are inactive in such an environment. The higher the pH, which is alkaline, the higher the concentration of oxygen molecules (calorizer). In an acidic environment, the concentration of CO2 increases and lactic acid is formed, which creates the preconditions for the growth of cancer cells.


How to check the pH of the body?

It is quite easy to check your acid-base balance using a special test – test strips of litmus paper, which can be bought at the pharmacy. The most optimal pH balance is 6,4-6,5. It is best to determine your acid-base balance one hour before meals, or two hours after.

The pH of urine can fluctuate throughout the day. If its value is 6,0-6,4 in the morning and 6,4-7,0 in the evening, there is no cause for concern. However, if the test shows 5,0 and below, then the pH of the urine is sharply acidified, and if 7,5 or higher, then the alkaline reaction prevails. By the pH value of urine, you can determine how well minerals are absorbed in our body, for example, calcium, sodium, magnesium.

As for the pH of saliva, its value indicates the active work of enzymes in the alimentary tract, especially the liver and stomach. The normal acidity of mixed saliva is 6,8-7,4 pH. It is usually measured at noon on an empty stomach or two hours after eating. Low acidity of the oral cavity often leads to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.


What are acidic and alkaline environments?

In medicine, there is such a term as “acidosis” – this is hyperacidity. Drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages and complications of diabetes mellitus often lead to this condition. With increased acidity, problems with the heart and blood vessels can be observed. A person can gain weight quickly enough. Very often in such cases there are diseases of the kidneys, bladder and decreased immunity.

An increase in the level of alkali in the body is called alkalosis. In this case, poor absorption of minerals is also observed. The reason for this condition in the body may be the prolonged use of medicinal substances containing a large amount of alkali. Alkalosis is rare enough, but it can also cause serious and negative changes in our body. These include diseases of the skin and liver, unpleasant and pronounced odor from the mouth, and others.


How to maintain a normal pH?

To maintain the optimal acid-base balance of the body, you need to drink enough water (30 ml per 1 kg of body). As for food, there should be several times more alkaline-rich foods than acidic foods.

Plant food, like vegetables and fruits, promotes the formation of an alkaline reaction, and cereals, meat, processed food in the form of sausages, semi-finished products, bakery products – acidic. To maintain an optimal acid-base balance, it is necessary that the diet is dominated by plant foods.


Doctors say that it is in our best interests to maintain the correct level of acid and alkali in the body. Only with an optimal pH balance, our body absorbs nutrients well.

Our body has natural mechanisms that improve the acid-base balance. These are the buffer systems of the blood, the respiratory system and the excretory system. When these processes are disrupted, our body releases acids into the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and lungs, and our skin. It is also able to neutralize acids with minerals and accumulate acids in muscle tissue (calorizator). If you feel tired, it may mean that the iron in the hemoglobin in your blood is neutralizing the acid. If dizziness, headaches, cramps and insomnia are observed, then this may signal that magnesium is being used in nerves, muscle tissue and bones.


Here are how many health problems can arise from an acid-base imbalance. Don’t let things go by themselves, take into account that prevention is the key to good health. Monitor your body pH regularly to avoid many diseases.

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