Black currant is a delicious and healthy berry. Due to its extraordinary properties, people are using black currant not only in cooking but also in medicine. It is good not only for dessert but also for the prevention of various diseases.
Black currant and its medicinal properties and contraindications were already known to the ancient Slavs. This plant has been prevalent among the population for a long time.
Composition and calorie content
- Caloric value 44 kcal
- Proteins 1 g
- Fat 0.4 g
- Carbohydrates 7.3 g
- Dietary fiber 4.8 g
- Water 83 g
Black currant is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin C – 222.2%, potassium – 14%, silicon – 203%, cobalt – 40%, copper – 13%, molybdenum – 34.3%

History of black currant
Black currant belongs to the gooseberry family. Wild shrubs have been growing since the days of Ancient Greece, and mainly in the northern regions – in northern Europe and Siberia. By the 15th century, people learned about currants in southern countries. By the 20th century, new varieties with large berries were developing around the world.
Simultaneously, in the USA, as in other countries, there was a peak of fungal diseases in the bush. Someone bred new varieties; someone came up with ways to combat the fungus, but it was forbidden to grow currants in the USA. By the 70s, the ban was over, but it persists in some states. Since then, people have been hard growing and eating black currants there.
Black currant vitamin composition
The richest vitamin and mineral composition of these wonderful berries helps in the development of the child’s body and supports the health of an adult:
- Vitamin A – the body receives during the assimilation of pigments of black color currant berries. This vitamin is essential for boosting immunity and for optimal cellular metabolism. The pigment carotene (provitamin A) slows down aging, maintains visual acuity, serves as an antidote to radiation exposure and the harmful effects of tobacco.
- Vitamin E – traditional medicine attributes to its anti-aging effects and the ability to stop the development of cataracts.
- Rutin – vitamin P – increases the elasticity of blood vessels and protects them from fragility, which prevents and slows down atherosclerosis development. Besides, this combination of vitamins makes the liver and adrenal glands healthy, improves bile secretion.
- Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 are extremely beneficial for the vessels of the brain. It performs the synthesis of proteins and fats by the body and the exchange of nitrogenous compounds. If you eat at least a small amount of black currant regularly enough, the heart and nervous system’s work will normalize, memory and mental abilities; intelligence will improve, facilitating by potassium ions and other mineral elements.
- Ascorbic acid – vitamin C – remains even when berries are frozen, which can stop vitamin deficiency. Black currant fruits are an irreplaceable remedy for colds, infectious diseases of various nature.
- Pectins – bind and remove from the body poisons, cholesterol, and ions of heavy metals, such as cobalt, lead, mercury, and strontium; therefore, currants are so useful for all kinds of poisoning and intoxication.

After all, these amazing fruits are still rich in manganese, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium.
Medicinal properties of black currant

Currant leaves for medicinal properties are not inferior to berries. They are also rich in phytoncides, ethers, tannins; they contain a lot of vitamin C and other useful substances. Currant leaves have antipyretic, disinfectant, tonic, diuretic properties. In the form of decoctions, they may treat:
- colds;
- digestive disorders, diarrhea;
- pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.
There’s a recommendation to drink a decoction of leaves to strengthen the body, especially for the older adults and weakened children. Such drinks increase the tone, make up for the lack of vitamins.
Black currant is not only a folk-doctor who can restore the body’s strength after illnesses and increase immunity, but also a delicious berry.
Normalizes blood pressure
Black currant has a positive effect on blood and blood vessels. Hypertensive patients, using currants, can forget about “surges” of pressure. However, people suffering from low blood pressure should be careful about using black currant in small quantities.
Black currants can be grated or made into juice.
Helps Treat Colds and Reduces Fever
Thanks to black currants, you can strengthen the immune system and prevent viral infections, it contains vitamin C.
Black currants are antimicrobial agents and can reduce fever
Other medicinal properties:
- Destroys microbes in the mouth
Thanks to quercetin, a powerful antioxidant, black currant fights microbes in the mouth. It helps prevent the development of thrush, stomatitis, and tooth decay. - Prevents heart disease
Potassium, which is found in currants, can provide powerful protection for the heart and heart muscle. Doctors advise heart patients to include this nutritious product in their diet every day. - Relieves puffiness
Many people suffer from puffiness, and currants can help in this case because they have a diuretic property.
Black currant harm
Even in the absence of contraindications, you should not eat more than 100 grams of currants at a time. And it is better to consume after eating so that berry acids do not irritate the stomach lining.
Due to the large number of organic acids in its composition, it is better to avoid black currants for people with exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and other gastrointestinal diseases. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction, so you need to try it carefully for the first time, literally just several berries.
Coumarin and vitamin C in currants contribute to blood thinning. This is useful for people with a tendency to thrombosis and with increased blood clotting. But in large quantities, black currant can provoke a deterioration, separation of a blood clot. Therefore, it is better to eat a small number of berries.
Black currant jam

- 1 kg black currant
- 800-900 gr sugar
How to cook
- Wash the currants, sort out, remove the tails. Put the berries in a saucepan, lightly press the berries with mashed potatoes to let the juice flow. If you do not want jam with whole berries, you can skip them through a meat grinder. Cover with sugar, stir and leave for 6-8 hours. It’s good to live it for the night.
- Put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil, removing the froth, and cook for 5 minutes.
- Let the jam cool slightly and put in the jars, roll up and leave to cool.
How to pick and store Black Currants you may learn from the video below:
For more berries go to the berries page.