A popular drug practically impossible to buy. It is not known when he will return to the pharmacies

Pharmacies lack a popular drug for acute depression. Getting even one package of medicine is almost a miracle. Most likely, the new batch of the preparation will not reach pharmacies until July. For some patients, this may mean that the treatment is interrupted or more difficult.

Welbox – what is this drug?

Welbox is a drug used for pharmacological support in the treatment of serious and deep depressive states. One of its active substances is bupropion. Due to its antagonistic effect on nicotinic receptors, it can be used to support smoking cessation. This product is in the form of tablets and can only be obtained with a prescription.

As shown by the data presented by the website jajpolek.pl, the drug is available only in one pharmacy throughout Warsaw. It is not much better in Kraków, where the product can be obtained in two places, and in Poznań it is not available at all. This is not the first time that this drug has been unavailable or difficult to obtain. The cowzdrowiu.pl portal informed about problems with its purchase in June last year.

Welbox – when the shortages will end

The editors of MedTvoiLokony asked for a comment on the drug manufacturer’s case, but we did not receive a reply until publication. According to the findings of the market portal Rynekzdrowia.pl, new deliveries of the drug should be made in July this year.

Doctors warn that stopping the regular intake of psychiatric medications can be very dangerous to the patient’s health.

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