A child at 2 years old smoked 40 cigarettes a day: what happened to him

Doctors are surprised how the boy even survived with such intoxication. But his parents did not see anything bad in the son’s habit for a long time.

India is a very strange country. It is there that the fattest boy in the world lives: his parents fed him with little useful, but high-calorie food. As a result, 11-year-old Arya put on weight up to 190 kilograms. Then he still managed to lose weight, but now he needs an operation to remove excess skin. And Aldi Rizal’s parents taught him how to smoke when he was not even two years old. And they thought it was so mi-mi-cute!

This child became a sensation when he was two years old. Journalists stumbled upon him, who were struck like a thunderbolt from this sight: a plump little boy confidently lights a cigarette and blows smoke. Then almost immediately lights up again.

“Smoking for a child is 2 times more dangerous than for an adult. When it comes to young children (under 3 years old), I think the risks should be multiplied by ten. During the day, this baby received a lethal dose of nicotine. But he, like many smokers, was saved by the fact that he received this poison in small doses. “

Aldi lived in a small village in Sumatra. He openly amused the adults with his habit: they laughed merrily and were touched by a two-year-old smoker. Parents, however, had to fork out: the boy needed 40 cigarettes a day, which is not cheap. But what can’t you do for the blood!

Fortunately, it was still possible to convey to his parents that they were destroying the baby’s health with their own hands.

“The body is in a state of constant intoxication. The smoker inhales nicotine, carbon monoxide, radioactive isotope polonium, benzene, hydrocyanic acid, formaldehyde and many other toxins. The liver is in charge of neutralizing harmful compounds, but in young children it is still weak for such a load, therefore it does not cope well with its function, “explains Tatiana Butskaya.

According to the doctor, the child’s intellectual potential is also greatly affected. In the first three years of life, your baby’s brain should grow faster than any other organ. The mass and number of nerve cells in the brain should increase by 3 times. How the brain of a two-year-old smoker coped with this task is a mystery. Nicotine speeds up the speed of brain processes, and then slows them down for a long time. Simply put, it creates a “swing” that can cause lag in mental and mental development. Such children study worse, cannot boast of excellent memory, and have difficulties with self-control.

Aldi began to wean him off cigarettes.

“At first he would throw some terrible tantrums,” says Diane, the baby’s mother. “But then he lost the habit, and now he doesn’t need cigarettes.”

Cigarettes are not needed, but the boy fell into another addiction: he began to eat. Very large quantities, mostly fatty foods. He ate condensed milk alone three cans a day. Of course, he began to get fat.

“If we tried to restrict Aldi in food, he could start banging his head against the wall, demanding more and more,” – describes Diane practically drug withdrawal of his son.

The boy was taken to a nutritionist and put on a strict diet. By that time, Aldi was five years old, and he weighed 24 kilograms, significantly exceeding the norm.

On a diet of mostly raw vegetables and fruits, Aldi lost weight for four years. Just imagine – four years of a diet, when the child’s body must grow and develop rapidly. But it seems that this child was born with a reserve of health for four: he coped, lost weight, now goes to school and studies normally. But it is too early to judge that experiments on his health remained without consequences.

“A boy who has managed to get rid of the habit of smoking 40 cigarettes a day is primarily at increased risk of cancer. The smoker inhales nicotine, carbon monoxide, radioactive isotope polonium, benzene, hydrocyanic acid, formaldehyde and many other toxins. These substances are extremely poisonous, they form a cocktail of carcinogens, which can provoke the development of cancer. Most often, cancer of the esophagus, larynx, lungs. Studies have shown that after the first smoked cigarette, the risks increase sharply, and what can we say about the case when there were several tens of thousands of them, ”says Tatiana Butskaya.

Even secondhand smoke is very dangerous for children. Nicotine is readily absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. An hour in a smoke screen equals half a cigarette. Children who are held hostage by passive smoking are more likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections, and are more prone to allergic diseases and bronchial asthma.

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