7 things to do in case of a seasonal allergy

7 things to do in case of a seasonal allergy

7 things to do in case of a seasonal allergy
Pollens are responsible for seasonal allergies, a type of allergy that has doubled in 10 years and affects 10 to 20% of the population. The symptoms resemble those of the common cold, hence its other name “hay fever”: repeated sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and sometimes conjunctivitis. What to do when you have it?

Identify the enemy to fight

Symptoms will be present as long as the offending pollen is.

The first thing to do is therefore toidentify the pollen responsible (grasses, birch, ambrosia …) to know the pollination period (thanks to the bulletins of the national aerobiological surveillance network) and take your precautions when the time comes.

To know the enemy to fight, we can either simply observe alone the time of year when the allergy occurs or make an appointment with an allergist to perform tests and get to the bottom of it. You may eventually be desensitized later if the symptoms are too bothersome.

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