7 foods that instantly add strength

To stay all day cheerful and productive at work – not an easy task. But to increase performance, you can use the food that gives you energy. Some of it is in vain “filling” energy drinks and other products which only take power.

7 products will add strength and clarity of mind.

1. Fatty fish

Oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids – they are used by our bodies to build neural connections between brain cells, which helps to improve concentration and memory.

Fish strengthens bones and blood vessels, giving the body tone. To eat fatty fish, we should at least once a week affects our health positively.

7 foods that instantly add strength

2. Bananas

Banana is a source of fast carbohydrates, which urgently bring the whole body in tone and eliminate hunger. Contained in bananas, potassium calms the heart and nervous system and gives a feeling of joy and satisfaction. A banana gives energy and saturation.

7 foods that instantly add strength

3. Coffee

The caffeine invigorates and non-drowsy due to the high content of caffeine. It also helps to concentrate better and be cheerful in the course of a working day, preventing fatigue from capturing the body.

Despite this positive effect, the abuse of coffee is undesirable, as the stimulator leads to addiction.

7 foods that instantly add strength

4. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains dopamine, which gives joy and vitality, improves memory and concentration. It’s enough a few pieces to come in tone, without harming the figure.

7 foods that instantly add strength

5. Green tea

Green tea, like coffee, contains a lot of caffeine and is a powerful antioxidant. If you drink green tea a day – you get improving health, and work becomes more comfortable and more cheerful.

Besides, unlike coffee, you can drink it a lot.

7 foods that instantly add strength

6. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds – a source of iron, magnesium, and zinc, can help calm the nervous system, stimulate the brain, and better focus on the tasks.

A great snack, but do not exceed 40 grams, because pumpkin seeds are high in calories.

7 foods that instantly add strength

7. Nuts

Nuts provide your body with energy, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and protein. Take them for a snack, choosing a product without fragrances and flavors. And do not forget about the high-fat content of nuts, so you didn’t have to complain about the extra pounds.

7 foods that instantly add strength

Be healthy!

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