60 years

60 years

They talk about 60 years …

« Well ! What is that, sixty years! … That’s the prime of life that, and you are now entering the beautiful season of man. » Molière – quote in L’Avare

« If you only knew what it’s like to be thirty! You probably have to have them at least twice to understand it!» Sacha Guitry

«In every fifty or sixty-year-old, in the most attentive, the most meticulous, there is a small ten-year-old starling that never gets old. » Quotes from Paul, says Tristan Bernard

What do you die of at 60?

The leading causes of death at age 60 are cancers at 36%, followed by heart disease at 21%, chronic respiratory infections at 5%, heart attacks, unintentional injuries, diabetes, childhood illnesses. kidneys Alzheimer’s disease and liver pathologies.

At 60, there are about 18 years left to live for men and 25 years for women. The probability of dying at age 60 is 0,65% for women and 1,09% for men.

86% of men born in the same year are still alive at this age and 91% of women.

Sex at 60

At age 60, the gradual decline in the importance of sexe in life goes on. Biologically, however, older people can continue their sexual activities, but generally do so with much less time. frequency. ” Studies show that 50 to 70 year olds who continue to make love or to masturbate regularly live older, healthier and happier! », Insists Yvon Dallaire. This could be explained physiologically, but also psychologically because the body continues to have pleasure.

La Erectile Dysfunction In particular, it would be the first etiology of a decrease of nearly 50% of sexually active men between 60 and 85 years old.

Gynecology at 60

The age of the menopause happens and many women still believe that gynecological follow-up is no longer necessary once menopausal. However, it is from the age of 50 that the risk of cancer increases significantly, hence the establishment of free screening campaigns. breast cancer from that age. Particular surveillance is also required to detect a possible Cervical cancer.

In addition to the gynecological examination, it necessarily includes palpation of the breasts. This examination, which requires method or experimentation, makes it possible to check the flexibility of the tissue, of the mammary gland and to detect any abnormalities. In general, gynecological surveillance should include a mammography screening every two years between 50 and 74 years.

The remarkable points of the sixties

At 60, we would have about fifteen friends that you can really count on. From the age of 70, this drops to 10, and finally drops to 5 only after 80 years.

The elderly of 60 years to 70 years report, the levels of highest life satisfaction.

Le Little Robert is final: at 60, you’ve been a senior for 10 years. For the United Nations, from the age of 60, one is even considered an “old” person. However, it is important to be aware that chronological age is not always the best indicator of the changes that accompany aging.

Whereas in 1950, a man retiring at 65 could expect to live a dozen years, today life expectancy at 60 is over 20 for men and 25 for women. This obviously has consequences: retirees fully intend to take advantage of their “2st life ”to fulfill their desires, think of them, find meaning in their human relationships, move overnight, satisfy a passion left aside …

After 60 years, it is essential to assess your cardiovascular risk and perform the routine screenings regarding colon cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer in smokers.

Among those over 65, 6,5% are in an institution, 2,5% are in bed or in a chair.

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