6 reasons to dine at home today

There are many reasons to visit your own kitchen, and most importantly, your body will be very grateful to you. If you’re looking for a more compelling argument, here are six reasons to dine at home today – and not just today:

1. Eating outside the home, you consume more unnecessary calories. 

Whether you’re dining in a full-service restaurant or a fast-food restaurant, eating out in food service places affects your daily calorie intake. People who eat out get about 200 more calories a day and consume significantly more saturated fat, sugar and salt, according to a study by scientists at the American Cancer Society and the University of Illinois at Chicago and published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. …

2. You are unlikely to choose “healthy” dishes on the menu


According to data obtained in 2013 by research company NPD Group, only one in four people choose “healthy” dishes in a restaurant, since most people perceive going to a restaurant as a pleasure and a weakness.

3. Cooking at home will help you live longer

A 2012 study found that cooking five meals a week increased our chances of living longer by 47% than those who do not cook at home or cook less often. In addition, kitchen duties can be combined with meditation, which most people do not have time for. For information on how to do this and how meditation and cooking can be beneficial, read this post.

4. Dining out is linked to the development of obesity

Although it is impossible to prove a causal relationship, many relationships have been found between weight gain and eating out. For example, a study by the Lancet in 2004 found that young people who often eat in fast food restaurants are more likely to gain weight and increase insulin resistance in middle age.

5. Home-cooked food is much healthier

This statement requires some clarification. I do not consider, for example, cooked dumplings of unknown origin, drenched in mayonnaise, “homemade food.” It’s about using whole ingredients (meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, and so on) for homemade meals. In this case, the likelihood that you eat healthier food than the regulars of the food service is significantly greater.

6. You teach your children to make healthy food choices

Your children can participate in preparing homemade meals. Research shows that this is how you can nurture their commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Children who helped their parents in the kitchen were more likely to choose fruits and vegetables, according to data published in 2012 in Public Health Nutrition.


To summarize all this information, I want to advice: if you have little time to come up with a varied, healthy and tasty menu and go for groceries, then a special service will help you a lot – the delivery of ingredients for preparing healthy dishes according to pre-planned recipes. All details on the link.

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