
We often hear that it is necessary to be able to feel in the moment, control your emotions and thoughts, enjoy the moment. But how to make the ability to enjoy life a daily routine?

Stress and depression are more common today than ever, because we are all united by the same problem — how to manage to cope with all the daily tasks? Technology helps us get involved as little as possible in person—we can choose to shop, chat with friends, pay bills, all at the touch of a button. But this life through information technology tears us away from ourselves. Practicing mindfulness of thoughts allows you to loosen the grip of stress. It is simple enough for daily use.

1. In the morning, remember all the good things that happened to you lately.

Do not grab your smartphone immediately after waking up. Instead, close your eyes for a minute and imagine your day ahead. Repeat daily affirmations several times to help you set yourself up for a good day.

They can consist of several life-affirming phrases, such as «Today I will have a productive day» or «I will be in a good mood today, even if there are problems.»

Experiment. Try the words by ear, find what works for you. Then take a deep breath, stretch. This is important for the day to go the way you planned.

2. Watch your thoughts

We rarely think about the fact that our thoughts can affect what happens inside of us. Try to slow down, get rid of the eternal rush, force yourself to pay attention to what you think.

Perhaps you were beside yourself with anger at someone who was unfair to you or rude to you for no reason? Maybe you have too much work that needs to be completed as soon as possible in order to finally feel the long-awaited peace?

Try not to think about the dangers of not doing the work that has piled up.

Remind yourself that worry and anger won’t do the job and make a difference. But negative emotions can negatively affect your performance and internal state.

Whatever happens around, try to mentally list the virtues of people who currently deprive you of peace of mind or piss you off.

3. Appreciate what you have

It’s easy to think about what we want that we don’t have yet. It is more difficult to learn to appreciate what surrounds us and what we have. Remember: there is always someone who has much less than you, and those things that you take for granted cannot even dream of. Just remind yourself of this sometimes.

4. Walk without your phone

Are you able to leave the house without your phone? Unlikely. We believe that we should be in touch at any time. We are afraid to miss something. The phone reduces the level of anxiety and creates the illusion that everything is under control.

To get started, try using your lunch break to take a walk alone, leaving your phone on your desk. You don’t have to be distracted by checking your mail.

But you can finally notice a bench under the trees near the office or flowers in the flower beds

Focus on these moments. Give all your feelings to this walk, turn it into a conscious and beautiful. Gradually, this will become a habit, and you will confidently be able to give up the phone for a longer time and, in addition, get used to feeling in the present moment.

5. Help others every day

Life is hard and unfair at times, but we can all help each other in one way or another. It can be a kind word or a compliment to a friend, a smile in response to a stranger, change from a supermarket given to a homeless person you see on the subway every day. Give love and you will receive gratitude for it in every aspect of your life. In addition, good deeds give the opportunity to feel happy and needed.

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