4 reasons why you need to eat pickles

Marinated and pickled cucumbers are not only good appetizers to main dishes. In the winter season, it is a Supplement to a good diet because pickles contain vitamins B, A and PP, and vitamin C, which is necessary for the cold season. Among the minerals in cucumbers, there are 21 elements, including iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, copper, magnesium, iron, and others. Here are 5 reasons why you should include cucumbers in your diet today.

4 reasons why you need to eat pickles

Improved digestion

Pickles contain lactic acid formed during fermentation. It helps slow the reproduction of bacteria in the gut and rapid withdrawal from the body.


Cucumbers by themselves are dietary products. But also because the lactic acid in the body naturally decreases the level of fats and cholesterol. Daily eating pickles improves metabolism and normalizes metabolism.

Eliminating constipation

Due to the mild effects on intestinal motility, cucumbers can be considered a laxative. Plus, this vegetable has quite a lot of fiber. Similar properties have the brine from under the pickles.

4 reasons why you need to eat pickles

Lowering the temperature

In the case of viruses and infections, pickles will help to reduce body temperature. They should not only be eaten, but it is also possible to make thin slices to the patient’s feet.


There is a category of people for whom pickles are contraindicated. Lactic acid can bring harm. Those people suffer from stomach, kidney problems, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the pancreas, atherosclerosis, and heart disease.

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