An ideal breakfast should consist of cereals that give us energy, dairy products that are rich in proteins and minerals, and fruits that contain many vitamins and nutrients.
What is the best way to consume these foods?
1. Fruits and berries
From fruits and berries, it is best to prepare a fruit salad or squeeze out the juice. Eat dried fruit in winter.
2. Dairy
Give preference to fermented milk products with live cultures and a minimum of additives. Pay attention to cottage cheese, and cheese is also very good – it is the leader in protein and calcium content, moreover, it is easy to digest.
3. Cereals
Good cereals from unpeeled and unpolished cereals are complex carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed and give a feeling of fullness for a long time. Rye or whole grain bread – it provides us with mineral salts, fiber and carbohydrates. Flakes and muesli, which are also rich in carbohydrates and minerals.
Love varied breakfasts and every time you wake up in anticipation of something new, be sure to read about the options for interesting breakfasts from different countries.