12 tips for eating well without restricting yourself

12 tips for eating well without restricting yourself

12 tips for eating well without restricting yourself

Impatient to change your figure, to rethink your eating habits, to do better, the temptation to follow drastic and radical diets is great. However, it is possible to refine your silhouette and improve your health, without getting frustrated!

Tip # 1: balance your plate

Harvard Medical School recommends filling half of your plate with a variety of fruits and vegetables. A quarter of your plate should consist of slow sugars rich in fiber such as bread, pasta or brown rice. The remaining quarter must provide animal and vegetable proteins while avoiding an excess of red meats. It is important to hydrate yourself well while avoiding sugary drinks. For cooking, oils such as olive or rapeseed (canola) oil are preferable to butter.

Tip: imagine your plate as a circle cut into pieces and try to get closer to the proposed visual.


Note: Good to know: The multiplicity of diets and modern lines of research mainly focus on the risks versus benefits of isolated nutrients. It is a question of limiting fats and cholesterol, increasing the consumption of fiber and calcium, taking vitamins E, C and D or even limiting carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. As scientists gain new knowledge, it seems, however, that the beneficial effects of diet come from beneficial interactions between different nutrients. This leads to a more holistic approach to nutrition based on considering whole dishes rather than single foods. There is no one diet that is good for your health, but there are several fundamentals implemented every day that can make a difference.

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