10 tips to relieve your tinnitus

10 tips to relieve your tinnitus

Hissing, buzzing hissing… These are the noises that some people hear in their ears. Called tinnitus, these sounds can appear suddenly and be temporary, but also persist. When it is chronic, tinnitus often brings hell to those who suffer from it and the quality of life can be severely affected. In France, seven to eight million people are affected, 1,6 million describe their tinnitus “aggressive” and 300.000 “intolerable”.

There is no specific treatment to cure tinnitus. Also, doctors advise their patients to learn to “live with”. Difficult to do when the noise felt is particularly loud… However, certain tips can be used to endure them.

Listen to music

To forget your tinnitus, the main thing is to do not focus on it. The worst thing to do is lock yourself in the dark, quietly with earplugs in your ears and wait for them to pass by themselves.

It is better on the contrary focus on another noise, by listening to music that is not too loud, such as a recording of the sound of waves. Try to perform an activity that requires your attention: you will see by the end of it that your tinnitus has subsided.

Stop certain medications

When taken long term, some medications can cause tinnitus. This is the case of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), ibuprofen (Advil), quinine, certain diuretics and antibiotics.

If you feel there is a correlation between your medications and your tinnitus, talk to your doctor to consider alternative treatment. However, do not stop taking your medication on your own.

Eat garlic and rosemary!

Known for their action on blood circulation, raw garlic and rosemary are grandmother’s recipes that have already shown their effectiveness.

Some tinnitus can be caused by too high blood pressure, that is why it is necessary to lower it.

Essential oils

The benefits of essential oils are no longer to be proven and once again, they will be able to relieve you. EO of Italian helichrysum, marjoram, petit grain bigarade will help you support your tinnitus.

But anyway, ask a specialist for advice!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Acupuncture and acupressure can achieve good results in alleviating tinnitus which mainly have two energetic origins: the kidney and the liver.

While waiting to make an appointment with a specialist, try this exercise of the “celestial drum” : cover your ear at the level of the tragus with your middle finger resting, not pressed. Tap the nail of your middle finger 36 times with one of the fingers of your other hand: you will hear a small sound of a hammer or a drum. Repeat the operation on the other ear, you should feel relieved.

Download the Diapason application

Developed by three French researchers, the Diapason application allows you to regain control over your tinnitus thanks to sound games defined according to an audiogram that you will have passed beforehand.

The Diapason application incorporates the principles of cognitive and behavioral therapy which has been around for many years and aims to bypass hearing impairment.

Get into sophrology

Fatigue and anxiety are known to cause tinnitus. This is why the regular practice of sophrology can be recommended to those who hear unpleasant noises in the ears.

She is indicated in cases of physical pain that may find psychological causes and is suitable for people with anxiety disorders, with its various manifestations such as psoriasis, ulcers and also tinnitus!

And Gingko biloba

Used to fight anxiety, Ginkgo biloba is recognized by the European Commission for the treatment of tinnitus of vascular origin.

Nevertheless, this is a minority of tinnitus cases.


Several clinical trials have given encouraging results, not in the reduction of tinnitus but in theimprovement of the quality of life of patients.

Be careful, however, not to go to a charlatan!


Depending on whether you are suffering from recent tinnitus due to sound shock for example or from older tinnitus, the homeopathic treatment will not be the same.

For recent tinnitus, it is advisable to take Arnica granules, Chininum Sulfuricum and Natrum Salicylicum. For old tinnitus, granules of Arscencium album and Ignatia Amara. Do not hesitate of course, to seek the advice of a health professional.

Perrine Deurot-Bien

Read our file: The ear

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