10 reasons why can increase weight for weight loss

One of the most enjoyable moments in the process of losing weight to see the desired numbers on the scale. But what if almost wanton your weight increased? Most importantly, do not panic. After all, this may be a very simple explanation.

We offer you 10 of the most likely reason why you saw the number on the scale higher than normal.

Why could increase weight?

Remember that weight gain is not always a sign of increased fat mass. If you are in the process of losing weight, then periodically stop or a slight increase in weight is completely normal. And it does not mean that you are doing something wrong. Biggest “pitches” usually occur in the first weeks of weight loss (mainly due to reduce swelling), but then the weight starts to decrease slowly (due to body tissues).

In the process of reducing fat in your body there are complicated biochemical processes. Give him time to adjust! The weight will not fall off linearly, so be prepared for surges and stops in weight (maybe even long). And the lower your initial weight, the slower and harder it will be to decrease when losing weight.

PROPER NUTRITION: how to start step by step

1. Physical activity

Very often, the weight increases after a workout, especially if you have only recently started to engage in or has dramatically increased the intensity of training. After exercise, the muscles swell (not to be confused with muscle growth), and the numbers on the scale creeping up. But do not worry. Usually after two weeks, muscles adapt to the stress and weight is normalized.

Our advice: just wait 2-3 weeks, workouts in no case do not throw.

2. Salty foods

Foods that contain much salt, water retention. It can also be a cause of weight gain. Be careful with the following products: cereals, sausages, vegetable juices, pickles, preserves, condiments, cheeses, salted fish, pizza and other fast food. They contain large amounts of salt, so it is very likely fluid retention in the body.

Our advice: limit the amount of salty foods especially during dinner. If this is not possible, it is better to postpone weighing for a few days.

3. Alcohol

Retains fluid in the body as alcohol. Within one to two days after alcohol the evening is better to scales not to rise, in order to avoid disorders from the increased numbers.

Our advice: the same as salt products. Do not consume alcohol or just wait it out.

4. Eat more than

If you think that observing proper diet, you will be guaranteed to lose weight, it is not so. Useful and even eating the right foods, you can easily eat more than your body is able to spend during the day. And this will inevitably lead to weight gain, and the saddest is to increase fat reserves.

Our advice: start to count calories. Thus, you can control the amount eaten per day.

How to count calories: manual

5. Eat less put

You see in this and the previous point is an absolute contradiction? Don’t be surprised. Undernourished as bad as overeating. When we excessively restrict our bodies in the diet, it starts to switch to energy-saving mode of metabolism. And therefore starts to save fat even from that small amount of food that fall to him.

Our advice: forget about hunger diets and nutrition below 1200-1300 calories.

6. The period of menstruation

Weight in women is highly dependent on the menstrual cycle. First, before menstruation in the body retained fluid, which leads to a weight gain of 1-2 kg. secondly, in this period, women increased appetite, which can also lead to gain weight.

Our advice: control your appetite in this period of time, preferring vegetables and unsweetened fruit. And do not pay attention to the indicators of scales a few days before and during menstruation.

Nutrition and exercise during menstruation

7. Insufficient water intake

Water is essential for the normal functioning of most organs of our body. If the body fails to receive the necessary amount of water, the body starts to hold her for the future. Therefore, one of the reasons for the weight gain may be insufficient water intake and dehydration.

Our advice: try to drink 2 liters of clean water. Do not abuse coffee and tea.

8. Errors in the calculations of calories

One of the implicit reasons for the weight gain may be errors in the calculation of calories. For example, you incorrectly expect the corridor of calories. Or weigh products and measure by eye. Or disregard all eaten foods. As a result, you need eat more and gain weight.

Our advice: read the article about counting calories. Perhaps some questions will disappear by themselves.


9. Violation of BDIM

In addition to counting calories, you need to remember about a balanced diet. Our body needs a specific quantity of nutrients, and when they are lacking, it can rebel. Try to count not only calories, but proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Too much carbs can cause weight gain.

Our advice: calculate your rate BDIM and try to follow their values.

All about CARBS

10. Disruption in the kidney and heart

Weight gain can also be caused by fluid retention because of problems with kidneys and heart. The probability of this is quite high if you are also concerned about puffiness and bags under the eyes. Because of such disorders in the body retained fluid and the weight gain.

Our advice: if in addition to the weight gain you are often plagued by swelling, it is better to consult a doctor.

As you can see, if you gain weight, it does not mean that you recovered. If you’re nervous about numbers on the scale, I advise you to not weigh more than 1 time a week.

See also:

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