10 of our favorite things left in the past

Childhood for almost everyone is the best time, which is remembered as a fabulous and magical time. Growing up, we perceive the world as familiar and are less and less surprised by some things, but we still have pleasant memories, and we can always return to them.

Some things from our past have not gone out of sale, but have changed. Therefore, if you want to experience nostalgia, hold in your hands the thing with which we played in childhood – this is quite possible to do!

10 Tamagotchi

10 of our favorite things left in the past

This entertaining toy for children was invented by Japanese engineers from Bandai, and their samples appeared on the shelves in 1996.

The word “tamagotchi” in translation means “friend-egg”. The rebirth of toys with virtual pets also happened in Japan.

Now you can find interesting smaller models with a color display and new features. Now you can not be afraid that the pet will die while you sleep or go about your business – Tamagotchi can be paused.

So far, such a toy is sold only in Japanese stores, but it can be ordered – for example, on the Aliexpress trading platform.

9. multicolor pen

10 of our favorite things left in the past

Such pens are still easy to find in the store, but no one has been using them for a long time. Remember how great it was to replace several pens of different colors: blue, green, red, purple, etc.? But of course there were problems with her: she jammed, the rod did not want to write …

Over time, everything improves, and now you can find a pen not only with a basic set of colors, but with 16 million colors – this is the Cronzy pen!

It looks very elegant and compact. The pen has a special sensor with which you can instantly scan any color of your choice – the pen is simply applied, for example, to green grass, and then a button is pressed, and you write in green!

8. Tetris

10 of our favorite things left in the past

Tetris is a puzzle game that was played not only by children, but also by adults. The toy was designed in 1984 by Alexey Leonidovich Pajitnov.

All of Moscow played Tetris, and later the toy became popular in Poland and Bulgaria. It is difficult to imagine a person who has not tried to play Tetris at least once (maybe with the exception of Africa, India and other similar countries.)

Tetris was sold in different colors: blue, gray, black, etc. They came to school with it, whiled away the time with it, took it on the road … In general, the puzzle toy occupied people of different ages, and they still play it – only now on androids.

7. VHS cassettes

10 of our favorite things left in the past

It’s hard for us now to imagine how people could do without the Internet before, because in one click we can turn on any movie or clip we like.

People used to look forward to watching their favorite movie on VHS or renting films to watch movies on the weekends.

Interestingly, before handing in, the cassette had to be rewound to the beginning and handed in on time; in case of delay, a fine had to be paid.

Now video cassettes are even collected, and the VHS effect of an old shabby tape is popular among young people. It is created using Photoshop for your photos.

6. Dandy

10 of our favorite things left in the past

The favorite toy of the children of the 90s was the Dandy game console. It went on sale in 1992. Children who grow up on computers will not understand this.

Probably, everyone had such parents who cursed for a long game, as the telescope on the TV sat down from it. And the children, while their parents are not at home, came from school and played tanks, races, Mario, Battletods, Contra, Double Dragon, etc.

The kids couldn’t stop playing! It used to be that adults played together with their children.

5. Chips

10 of our favorite things left in the past

Previously, round chips were popular among children: they were played at school, in the yard, at home. There was a Pokemon cartoon on TV, and a lot of children were buying chips with the image of their favorite characters. They were sold individually or in packs.

Carrying a large pack of chips was a great pride! In order to get the chip you like from your friend, you had to play a game with him. The children hit them on some surface, and the one whose chips turned upside down took them for themselves.

But the chips for the game were not necessarily with “Pokemon”, they could be with Barbie, and with the image of animals and much more.

4. Spring rainbow

10 of our favorite things left in the past

The Slinky spring, which means “twisty” in translation, is a popular toy that came to us from the USA. It included all the colors of the rainbow and was invented in 1943 by Richard James, a marine engineer.

All children wanted this toy, and it was just worth its weight in gold! It could be thrown from one hand to another, thereby calming one’s nerves and listening to the pleasant crackling of the rings.

The diameter of the rings made it possible to wear a magical rainbow toy on the wrist. Often it became tangled, and if it was unraveled incorrectly, it lost its properties. In Russia, the toy was called “Rainbow”.

3. Chewing gum Love is

10 of our favorite things left in the past

People who were born in the 90s probably remember this wonderful taste of chewing gum and liners for which they were bought …

With anticipation, everyone unfolded the label, popped the chewing gum into their mouths, and while enjoying its taste, read what was written in the Love is insert. Sometimes quotes were repeated, but what a joy it was when some kind of insert came across for the first time!

Many had a whole collection of these inserts, sometimes children got notebooks and pasted them in them. The quotes were varied and always interesting, for example: “Love is when someone cooks great pasta.”

2. Profiles

10 of our favorite things left in the past

Almost every girl in the school had questionnaires. They could create them on their own or buy them with ready-made questions, one girl could have several of them.

The questionnaire included questions that friends and classmates (boys and girls) had to answer. Usually, the questionnaire was written with multi-colored pens: gel or ballpoint shiny, regular (as you like), and often the pages were decorated with stickers or drawings.

Sometimes there was a glued envelope on the last page, which was called “for secrets”, they wrote one of their secrets on a piece of paper and placed it in an envelope. Many children were embarrassed by the question at the end of the questionnaire: “How do you feel about me?” After all, if someone was not on very friendly terms, no one wanted to write “badly”.

1. Landline phone

10 of our favorite things left in the past

Children of today may not understand why a telephone is needed in the house when you can call anywhere in the world from your mobile!

Children did this, but only from a landline phone (home) – sometimes they called unfamiliar numbers from the directory to frolic, and they were very scared if they got on the line where an electronic voice spoke and strange beeps sounded …

It’s hard to imagine, but once there were no mobile phones, and people made an appointment in advance. No one could call and ask: “Where are you?” I had to come to the meeting on time and wait for him if he was late.

Now almost no one has landline telephones (and you don’t want to pay anyone extra money for a communication service), with the exception of state institutions.

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