10 foods that trigger acne

Food affects our health and appearance. We have already talked about what kind of food will help PI acne. And what products can strengthen a rash on the face and lead to relapse?

Dairy products

10 foods that trigger acne

Milk or milk products can increase the severity of acne on the skin. Milk contains growth hormone, which stimulates cell production in the body. Excess cells on the skin problems can clog the pores and cause problems. This does not mean that you should exclude dairy products from the diet but controlling their moderate consumption is necessary.

Dairy products increase the level of insulin in the blood, which increases the production of sebum. It is better to prefer a vegetable alternative to milk made from soy, rice, buckwheat, almond, etc.

Fast food

10 foods that trigger acne

Fast food is highly addictive and firmly is a significant part of the human diet. We have to pay for it as a harmony of shapes and skin problems. In fast food, many components trigger acne. This is a large amount of salt, oil, and TRANS fats, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates. They provoke hormonal disorders and reduce the body’s resistance to inflammation.

Milk chocolate

10 foods that trigger acne

Milk chocolate is the enemy of clean and healthy skin. In the composition of chocolate, there is a lot of fat, sugar, and milk protein, all of which can cause acne.

Black chocolate is more useful – it has less sugar. However, it also contains fats that are harmful to the skin. Dark chocolate source of antioxidants has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is better for a sweet tooth with problematic skin to choose a piece of exactly this kind of Goodies.


10 foods that trigger acne

Bread and pastries – a source of gluten, which is associated with many skin diseases. It lowers the immune system and prevents useful substances in the intestine absorbed into the bloodstream. Bread also contains a lot of sugar, which increases insulin levels in the blood and triggers excessive sebum production.

According to research, the bread will neutralize the beneficial effects of antioxidants contained in other intake products.

Vegetable oil

10 foods that trigger acne

Too many vegetable oils in the diet lead to an overabundance in the body’s fatty acids omega-6. They get into the organism in large quantities and provoke inflammation, including acne.


10 foods that trigger acne

Even for a healthy person, abusing chips can cause acne. They lack any vitamins or minerals but instead have many fat, additives, and carbohydrates. After eating chips, insulin increases very sharply, and the body produces a lot of subcutaneous fat.


10 foods that trigger acne

The protein blend is trendy – they are an easy way to get protein in your diet. But any protein mix — concentrated artificial product. Protein mixtures contain amino acids, leading to the overproduction of skin cells and clogged pores. Whey protein is rich in peptides that influence insulin production.


10 foods that trigger acne

Carbonated and energy drinks are harmful for many reasons. They contain a lot of sugar and artificial flavors that cause rashes. At the same time, people are drinking them and ignoring saturation, as, for example, after a sweet cupcake.


10 foods that trigger acne

Coffee improves performance, contains antioxidants, and improves mood. But this hot drink also provokes the release of blood, the “stress hormone” cortisol. As a consequence, exacerbation of acne and other skin problems. Also, coffee increases the production of insulin, which leads to oily skin.


10 foods that trigger acne

Alcohol affects the endocrine system on the ratio of estrogen and testosterone. Any hormonal jump immediately appears on the face—more-or-less safe alcohol for our skin — dry red wine in reasonable quantities.

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