TOP 6 of the most persistent myths about caffeine

About the dangers of caffeine, we said a lot. Despite the frightening, coffee drinkers should not hurry to abandon the drink. You can not blindly believe everything they say. What are the myths about caffeine that are not true?

Caffeine is addictive

If we talk about dependence on caffeine, but it is purely psychological. Coffee lover, an important ritual. And at the physiological level to fall into addiction to caffeine is impossible. Though this alkaloid is a weak stimulant, it causes not such a strong addiction as nicotine.

TOP 6 of the most persistent myths about caffeine

Caffeine contributes to weight loss.

Using coffee or green tea to lose weight will not work. Caffeine does stimulate the body’s metabolic processes, but its role is negligible and of short duration – an hour or two. After a 45-minute workout, the metabolism is accelerated for more than ten hours, and after strenuous exercise — almost the whole day.

Caffeine dehydrates

Huge doses of caffeine can really affect the kidneys, causing a diuretic effect. But such a quantity of the alkaloid for the average coffee lover to consume is not capable of. By itself, caffeine is not a diuretic. Drunk a Cup of tea likewise stimulates the removal of liquids from the body as a glass of water.

TOP 6 of the most persistent myths about caffeine

Caffeine helps you to sober up.

This pseudo-scientific assertion persists among coffee lovers. Actually, caffeine does not invalidate alcohol as a response to a stimulant (coffee) and depressant (alcohol). The body is two divergent processes.

Caffeine either does not affect the excretion of alcohol or aggravate the dangers of intoxication, as the body will have to break down the two types of active substances.

Caffeine causes heart disease.

To deny the harmful effects of coffee on the heart is impossible. But panic is also not an option. For those who already have vascular disease or heart, coffee might be the factor that will gradually make the situation worse.

A healthy heart coffee cant makes you sick. On the contrary, according to scientists, coffee prevents heart attacks. Alas, not all are knowledgeable about their internal organs’ health, but because eating daily coffee in greater quantities put them at grave risk.

TOP 6 of the most persistent myths about caffeine

Caffeine triggers cancer

Scientists have conducted many studies trying to find a relationship between consuming caffeinated products and the incidence of cancer. No pattern was found. On the contrary, thanks to the antioxidants in coffee, tea, and cocoa, their use reduces cancer risk.

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