“A hot dream, not with my husband, but with my ex-best friend!” »Marie, 36 years old, mother of Louison
“Pregnant I was very fit, especially in the second trimester, and at night I daydreamed a lot. Not always from my husband, moreover, and that questioned me. One of the most recurring dreams was when I saw my best friend again, whom I haven’t seen for 1 year. We would meet up and I would throw myself in his arms like in the good old days and we would go for a drive. We started talking about our childhood and adolescence. At nightfall, I stayed with him. We lay down and fell asleep like friends. In the middle of the night, we wake up and kiss. He makes love to me like teenagers the first time. It’s getting scorching. We embrace like crazy old lovers. When I woke up, I was super embarrassed and didn’t tell my husband about it! ”
“For Marie, it is about change throughout her dream. There is a mix between the unknown and the danger of this change, with a dose of excitement. I think it is about the transition from the status of woman to mother. Another important part of the dream: the best friend. She is a well-known person and at the same time, he is part of the prohibitions, of the transgression, since she imagines herself having an erotic relationship with him. His unconscious has chosen to draw a parallel between this best friend, a reassuring person, to whom we can say everything and to whom we can show ourselves as we are, who refers to a first experience of youth, and another completely new experience: her pregnancy. In the end, Marie seeks to be reassured about her body as a pregnant woman, and on the fact that her husband will continue to desire her. “
“I’m on a train. The door opens and a man enters. »Lucie, 28 years old, mother of Prune
“When I was about four months pregnant, I had a funny dream… I was going on vacation on a train. And I found myself with very elegant women. I was wearing a fairly simple dress. After a while, the women would start talking loudly. I stayed in my corner. Suddenly the door opened and a man entered. Tall, young, dressed like an adventurer. He sat down next to me. The four women stared at me. The train was going even faster. On arrival, I was in another car and the man was naked near me. We looked at each other. He spoke to me softly. I got off the train and he was watching me go away. “
“In this dream, Lucie imagines herself dressed simply, among other women much more elegant. She is on a train that is moving faster and faster. This indicates that she accepts the change brought about by her pregnancy, in a very positive way, even gently, if we refer to the man who speaks to her “softly”. The idea of acceleration corresponds to her belly which is already rounding well at four months, and her pregnancy which will pass quickly, month after month. And Lucie saw it very well! It’s a very powerful dream actually. She also comes out the winner, vis-à-vis the other women on the train. It is to her that the man is addressing, she allows herself to be seduced, it is very encouraging. She took this train with one goal: her life will change when she becomes a mother. And the future birth of her baby makes her serene. I feel that everything is going well for her. “
“7 months pregnant, I see myself as beautiful and slim …” Pauline, 26, 7 months pregnant
“I’ve been having a lot of dreams for the past few weeks. I remember it quite well the next day. I see myself beautiful and fine, very well dressed. I’m invited to a very chic party, with men in tuxedos. As soon as I arrive, all eyes are on me, I speak with different men, but I can’t see their faces. I am charmed by one of them, who takes me to the terrace. We end up kissing and caressing each other. I wake up at this moment with a pressing desire and suddenly, I wake up my husband! “
“Successful bet for Pauline! In her dream, she sees herself as she would still like to be, despite her phony: attractive, thin and surrounded by men. With her 7 month old belly, she allows herself to imagine being seduced by other men. This will reassure her about the transformation she is experiencing in herself. And the best part is that she wakes up wanting her husband. She frees herself completely and ultimately realizes her fantasy with her companion! That’s great. “
“I had very hot dreams! »Arthur, 36 years old
“When my wife was pregnant, I had pretty hot dreams. I work in advertising, so I get exposed to quite a few images of very beautiful women. During my partner’s last pregnancy, she had hormones on the boil. We had regular sex until the end of the term. I have had dreams on several occasions where I was in a villa, with a swimming pool, and I met my best friend’s new wife. Both passionate about art, we often met face to face. And then I saw her naked. She appeared in undress and garter belt, alluring. Then, in another dream, I followed her in secret. She would meet up with a man other than my best friend in town, and then I would see her in a hotel room with him. I remember having had a lot of dreams in this register and then, I woke up more in love than ever with my wife! “
“Arthur is in the position of ‘voyeur’ in his dream. He attends the sexual antics of other people in the dream, in particular this woman whom he follows and whom he imagines with another man. This allows him to put aside this desire to be with another woman, to be in fact unfaithful. And when he wakes up, Arthur finds his wife with joy! It’s a good sign for the couple. Through this dream, he puts himself in the position of a lover before being a father. Even if he wants to look elsewhere (fantasy), he wakes up near his wife, so it’s very positive. It is the very function of a fantasy, to bring unconscious desires back into reality. “