Yoga for weight loss: step by step video tutorials
Yoga is, of course, a magical practice, but not enough to lose weight in one or two sessions. But if you practice yoga for weight loss for at least half an hour two or three times a week, or even every day, the result will come quickly.

Why are we getting fat? There are only two main reasons and they are very simple – we gain all the excess from overeating and because we move little. Alas. Or “Hurrah!” After all, when you know your enemies by sight, it is easier to fight them. But fighting is about starvation, stress, grueling workouts or manic calorie counting. Hello, perpetually bad mood. But how long will we last? Not sure.

But you can’t fight. And smoothly return to your ideal weight. This can be done through yoga. Moreover, you can practice at home.

Yoga?! Many will now say: Ha! It is almost impossible to lose weight with her. Like, this is obvious: it’s more effective to sweat on the simulators for an hour than to meditate at home and “slowly pull the legs by the ears” for the same time. Yes, not quite right.

Before we tell you how to lose weight and keep your body in great shape with the help of yoga, let’s look at this issue.

Why do we overeat

The answer lies, most likely, in psychological problems. We are clearly on to something. Fatigue, dissatisfaction, stress, resentment, loneliness, anxiety… You can go on and on – but you get the point. And this state of “I want something sweet and harmful, but more” is stronger than us. We console ourselves with food, let us feel joy and pleasure at least for a while.

But it is precisely yoga that can give the same state. Rather, it returns a taste for life to those who have lost this state, is able to fight depression and disbelief in themselves. Ask any yogi and even doctors.

But how does it work? This is the secret: this effective and centuries-old practice through physical exercises affects the emotions and thoughts of a person. Our mind calms down and comes to a neutral state. The cells of the whole body are saturated with oxygen and all organs begin to work better, we get a powerful surge of strength. There is cheerfulness, a desire to live and rejoice again.

Changing eating habits

And those who start practicing yoga change their eating habits. Yes, not immediately. But it happens by itself. Someone refuses meat and bread, begins to eat more fruits and vegetables. For some, sodas and cakes become tasteless, “chemistry” is felt, and he begins to drink more water and choose dried fruits instead of the usual sweets. Nobody is forcing anyone to change. This is a natural reaction of the body in response to practice. A person begins to want healthy food. And, importantly, she no longer seems to him as terrible as before (“What is it? Dates? Fu!”) – from now on he wants to eat this way and not otherwise.

And another positive thing. Over time, less and less food will be enough to saturate. Yes, you can’t really get along with yoga – try it, bow down, when there is a kilogram of barbecue inside. This is where the nausea comes in. You will see that you will want to do it in a light half-starved state – and it is comfortable.

Here’s some advice for newbies. Until you make changes in your diet, try to stick to these rules.

Tips for Proper Nutrition

  1. Yoga should be done on an empty stomach. If you ate something light, for example, a salad of greens and vegetables, an hour and a half should pass, and only then spread the rug. After a denser meal, it will take a little longer. Three or four hours.
  2. Drink more water. Yoga activates metabolic and cleansing processes in the body, which is why it is so important to drink. But not in one gulp at the end of the class, but in small sips after each asana (the so-called poses in yoga).
  3. Read labels on products in the store. This will sober you up and save you from buying harmful things. At least once out of ten.
  4. The stomach also wants to rest. Don’t load him with heavy meals at the end of the day. And remember that late in the evening, when you are called to the refrigerator at home, the stomach will already be asleep. Work will start tomorrow morning. And all the food that gets inside now will just lie dead weight. Do you need it?
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When to expect results from yoga

This is a myth: that yoga is all so unhurried, meditative and is not able to “pump” the body. There are asanas, in the performance of which seven will then come down. And skillful instructors are able to give such sets of exercises that beginners can hardly bear their legs after class. At the same time, they smile and thank the coach. Of course, such a load can also be obtained at home (see our video tutorials for this material). But after it, be sure to do shavasana – a relaxation pose.

Yoga works very effectively with the body. Strengthens muscles, makes them elastic, burns excess fat. And, most importantly, it heals the body as a whole. That is, losing weight is actually a nice bonus. A natural consequence of yoga classes, which return youth, strength and beauty to a person.

Get ready right away that you will not feel the effect immediately. You will have to wait two months for someone, and six months for someone, before you see how the stomach tightened and the waist was drawn. But I assure you, you will like the result. Because there will be no more rollback, as with a long refusal of sweets. The only important thing is to keep practicing.

Five secrets why we lose weight with yoga

  1. So, as we already understood, it relieves the stress that we seize.
  2. Helps improve nutrition. Yoga practitioners suddenly begin to listen to themselves and choose healthy food, take care of themselves.
  3. Helps improve digestion. The fashionable word “detox” is just applicable to yoga. During classes, cleansing processes are launched, toxins and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. In yoga, much attention is paid to proper breathing. And it’s not just that. During breathing practices, the body is saturated with oxygen, all organs begin to work better. Result: metabolism is accelerated, less fat accumulates.
  5. Yoga works great on muscles. Gets to the most inactive places where fat accumulates, stretches even the deepest muscles.

Benefits of practice

Of course, yoga was created not only for weight loss. Here are the main beneficial effects of exercise:

  1. Yoga slows down the aging process.
  2. Relieves back pain, removes curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, salt deposits.
  3. Strengthens muscles, restores flexibility to joints.
  4. Restores reproductive function in women and increases potency in men.
  5. Thanks to intensive breathing during exercise, it saturates the cells with oxygen, and all systems begin to work more efficiently.
  6. There is a natural massage of the internal organs. Yoga perfectly removes toxins and toxins, relieves constipation.
  7. It cures migraine, asthma, arthritis, insomnia.
  8. Helps (attention!) lose weight.
  9. Gives the whole body and brain deep relaxation.
  10. Meditation included in yoga classes helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce stress levels.

Contraindications for yoga

This is a very important point: if you have a serious illness, you first need to see a doctor. The doctor will give you “good” – you can safely practice (and at home too). After all, yoga was originally designed for healthy people.

So, for what diseases it is impossible:

Hypertension, epilepsy, congenital heart disease, cholelithiasis, alcohol or drug intoxication, the period of taking tranquilizers, antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs.

There are special yoga exercises for pregnant women. Women during menstruation are advised to limit their activities.

Basic rules for yoga

  1. It will be good if you start practicing yoga three times a week or every day (you can with an instructor or at home, according to our video lessons). Set aside an hour and a half for yourself. But if there is only half an hour – do not postpone until better times, do it!
  2. During classes, you should not experience pain. None at all! No need to specifically stretch the muscles, bend down with force, pull the legs – and endure at the same time. This is not a sport.
  3. Breathe evenly, calmly in asanas! Don’t delay him.
  4. Choose comfortable clothes, preferably cotton. Take off your chains and watches, bracelets and rings, they will only interfere with you.
  5. After all the exercises, be sure to do shavasana – this is a relaxation pose. It will be enough for 7-10 minutes, you need to lie on the mat and do not move all this time. Ask your family not to disturb you or make noise. Relaxation is very important in yoga.

And remember! To have an effect, strive for the correct performance of asanas. But take your time. Many will take several months to learn how to build a pose. So let’s start our practice.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Exercises for good physical activity

There are such asanas, in the performance of which seven sweats will come off. We, who are losing weight, need them very much. Just remember about water! During the day you need to drink as much as possible. After all, exercise improves metabolism and starts the cleansing process.


Technique performance:

  1. We lay down on our stomach. We bend our elbows so that we get an angle of 90 degrees. Elbows should be located under the shoulders.
  2. We rise on the forearms and socks and remain in this position.
  3. The stomach is drawn in. Breathing is even and calm.


The body should be extended and form a straight line – a bar. Keep it parallel to the floor.

Lead time: It is advised to start with 1-2 minutes a day, gradually increasing to a longer amount of time. But for those who have never done a plank, it will be very difficult to withstand even 1 minute at first. Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds. But do three approaches (this is a condition for everyone).

Effect: For weight loss, this exercise is the best! It allows you to tighten the stomach, make the hips more slender and the buttocks elastic. Well strengthens the muscles of the back, improves the relief of the body. Many women say that the bar eliminates not only excess fat, but also cellulite. The latter occurs by improving the blood supply to the tissues.

Frog Pose

Technique performance:

  1. We sit down on the cards. We tear off the heels from the floor, standing only on the tips of the fingers. The heels touch each other.
  2. We lean with the tips of our fingers on the floor between the legs. We do not lower our heads, we look forward.
  3. With an inhalation, we raise the pelvis up, straightening the legs at the knees, while keeping the tips of the fingers on the floor. The heels do not fall and remain on weight, continue to touch each other.
  4. With an exhalation, we go down, while looking forward, the knees are on the sides of the hands.


This exercise should be performed with very powerful breathing: inhale – up, exhale – down.

Execution time: for the best result, instructors prescribe 108 “Frogs”. But only experienced practitioners can cope with such a number of times. Therefore, I advise beginners to complete 21 approaches. Over time, increase the number of Frogs to 54. And reach 108 runs without rest breaks.

Effect: It is believed that one who practices this posture gains control over hunger and thirst. Becomes strong and fit. There is even a joke that the Frog pose can make a princess out of a woman. The exercise works well on the legs and hips, tones and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves blood circulation, and also very powerfully increases energy levels.

Exercises for a flat stomach

All the leg raises from the prone position, the stretch pose and the breath of fire will help you here. But first things first.

Leg raises (30, 60 and 90 degrees)

Technique performance:

  1. We lay down on our backs. We put our hands under the buttocks so that when performing this asana, the back does not arch up.
  2. With an inhalation, we press the lower back to the floor with the help of the pelvic muscles and raise the legs at the desired angle using the muscles of the navel area.
  3. With an exhalation, we lower our legs. They must be straight. We put our feet on the floor, and do not “drop” them.


Use the force of your breath to lift your legs up. Use your abdominal strength as you exhale. If you don’t have enough space to keep your legs straight, you’d better bend them at the knees. Avoid arching your lower back.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes with deep slow breathing. Match the load with your physical fitness. If it’s hard at first, do as much as you can. But do not feel sorry for yourself if you just lie on the rug – you are unlikely to achieve the desired result.

Effect: strengthens the abdominal muscles, especially its lower part. If you raise your legs at different angles, it works out all parts of the press.

Stretch Pose

Technique performance:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body.
  2. We raise our head and legs 15 cm from the floor, stretch our arms forward parallel to the floor. The palms are turned towards each other approximately at the level of the hips.
  3. The fingers are stretched towards the feet. The gaze is directed to the tips of the toes.
  4. In this position, we perform the Breath of Fire (how to do it – below).


The feet should be together, and the lower back should be firmly pressed to the floor. You can put your hands under your buttocks to support your lower back.

Lead time: 1 minute. This is for beginners. Gradually, the execution time can be increased to 3 minutes.

Effect: this exercise strengthens the navel center and also promotes good digestion. An important addition: enhances the protective properties of the body. Together with the powerful breath of fire, it is a good remedy for the onset of colds and runny noses. Practice without feeling sorry for yourself, and then you can recover very quickly, in a day or two.


Proper breathing will help to build

Imagine, in yoga it is possible to breathe and at the same time lose weight. Only breathing, of course, is not necessary in the way we are used to, but in a certain way. Those who practice yoga have already guessed that we are talking about the Breath of Fire.

This is one of the basic practices in Kundalini Yoga, which accompanies the performance of many asanas and is famous for its beneficial effects. For example, burns excess fat. In general, it is very useful for women: it disperses blood in the pelvic and abdominal area, massages the internal organs, and strengthens the press. You only need to do it correctly (watch our video tutorial).

Breath of fire

Technique performance:

  1. Sit in easy pose with a straight back. The chest is open and slightly raised. We leave it motionless throughout the exercise.
  2. We do not lift the chin, but lower it slightly to the chest so that the neck continues the straight spine. Close your eyes (this will allow you to concentrate on the practice).
  3. With inhalation, we draw the navel and solar plexus into ourselves, and as we exhale, we relax the muscles.
  4. We breathe through the nose. Inhalation equals exhalation and there is no pause between them. Breathing is fast: about 2-3 cycles per second. And rhythmic.


We pull the navel inward as if we want to get them the spine. When performed correctly, there should be no tension in the hands, feet, face or abdomen. If you feel dizzy, take a break. This is normal, as is a slight ringing in the ears, a feeling of motion sickness – it’s just that your body is not used to such breathing and has just begun to adapt.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes.

Contraindication: limit during pregnancy and menstruation.


  1. Removes toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous membranes, blood vessels.
  2. Increases physical endurance and generates very powerful energy.
  3. Strengthens the nervous system.
  4. Strengthens the Navel Chakra.
  5. Weakens the impulses of addiction to drugs, smoking or junk food.
  6. Stimulates the immune system and can help avoid many diseases.

Stretching of the vital nerve –

forward bends

Technique performance:

  1. We sit on the floor and stretch our legs in front of us. We connect them and grab the thumbs (the index and middle fingers wrap around the big toe, the thumb presses the nail plate of the big toe).
  2. As you exhale, lean forward from the navel, stretching the spine from the base.
  3. On an inhale, we rise using the strength of our legs.
  4. The head is included in the movement last. Rising, follow the reverse order, the head rises last.
  5. We continue to move like a working pump.


Don’t pinch your lower back. Try to stretch your stomach to your hips, and not your head to your knees. Tighten the thigh muscles, extending them away from the knees to maintain the stretch.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes.

Effect: This posture reduces appetite, improves bowel function and metabolism. It has a beneficial effect on the spine as a whole and removes stoop.

Horizontal “bicycle”

Technique performance:

  1. Lie on your back, raise both legs 45 degrees from the floor.
  2. Inhaling, pull the left knee to the chest.
  3. With an exhalation, we stretch the left leg, at the same time pulling the right knee to the chest.
  4. We continue with powerful breathing. We don’t hold him up.


Stretching your legs, keep them parallel to the floor. Hands can be placed under the buttocks.

Effect: asana very well starts the process of digestion, makes the press hard.

From the author: All these exercises quickly tidy up the abdominal area. But don’t overdo it – you don’t have to do everything at once. And at the beginning of the practice, perform each asana for 1-2 minutes. The load should be gradual and comfortable for you.

Exercises for a beautiful waist

No matter how eagerly we pump the press, but without work on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, a chiseled waist, alas, cannot be achieved. All tilts (to the sides, back and forth) and twists will help here. By the way, all three exercises in this complex work great with the intestines.


Technique performance:

  1. We stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders. We stretch our arms to the sides parallel to the floor, palms look down.
  2. We turn to the left and lean forward from the waist. We touch the left foot with the right hand. And raise the left hand up behind the back.
  3. Then we change direction.


We do it rhythmically. When leaning forward, keep your head in a neutral position, do not turn it towards the arm located at the top.

Lead time: 1 minute on each side.

Effect: very simple and at the same time one of the most effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

Side bends

Technique performance:

  1. We stand straight, feet hip-width apart, arms extended to the sides parallel to the floor, palms looking down.
  2. We lean to the left, while the left hand goes down, and the right one rises up and to the left above the head. Keep it straight.
  3. We return to the starting position. Now we lean to the right.


Movement should not be abrupt. Do it at a comfortable slow pace.

Lead time: 1-2 minutes.

Effect: asana makes the waist thin.

Turning the body from a standing position

Technique performance:

  1. We stand straight, feet hip-width apart, arms extended to the sides parallel to the floor, palms looking down.
  2. With an inhalation, we turn the body together with the hands as far as possible to the left, with an exhalation we return to the starting position. Now we do the same to the right side and again return to the center.
  3. We perform at a speed of 2-3 seconds for each complete cycle of movement.


We do not bend our hands. The line from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other hand should be straight.

Lead time: 1 minutes

Effect: and this exercise has a beneficial effect on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, brings the waist into an ideal shape.

Exercises for tightened buttocks and thighs

Raising the pelvis

Technique performance:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  2. We draw the heels as close to the buttocks as possible, while the feet are on the floor.
  3. We take the ankles with our hands and with a breath we raise the pelvis up. We lower with an exhalation.


Perform with powerful breathing.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes.

Effect: one of the best exercises for the buttocks and back of the thigh. The asana also works on the neck, kidneys and urinary tract.

Heel strikes

Technique performance:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands on the floor along the body.
  2. We begin to alternately hit the heels on the buttocks.


Do this exercise with maximum effort.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes.

Effect: a good exercise for the buttocks, lateral thighs and abs. Improves digestion.

Exercises for an elastic chest

All exercises that straighten the chest and work the chest muscles will do.

Cobra pose

Technique performance:

  1. We lie down on our stomach, put our hands under our shoulders, palms pressed to the floor.
  2. We begin to raise the chest, straightening the arms.
  3. The head continues to move as you bend back. We stretch up the entire surface of the abdomen and chest in the opposite direction.
  4. We return to the starting position.
  5. Movements should be calm and uniform, without accelerations and decelerations. Inhalation and exhalation are synchronous with the movement of the body.


We do not allow a strong deflection of the back. If it is difficult to stand on straightened arms, bend them at the elbows. But aim for the perfect pose.

Lead time: start with 1 minute, gradually working up to 3 minutes.

Effect: useful for the muscles of the chest, straightens the chest. The pose also strengthens the deep muscles of the back, works with posture and abs.

Crossing arms

Technique performance:

  1. We sit in an easy pose. We keep the back straight.
  2. Stretch your arms out in front of you in a V shape about 15 degrees above shoulder level. You should end up with a Superman pose. The palms are extended and turned down.
  3. We begin to cross our arms in front of us, alternating them – first one hand on top, then the other.
  4. Execution speed: approximately one repetition per second.


The arms should remain straight, do not bend them at the elbows. And do not lower during the exercise.

Lead time: 1-3 minutes.

Effect: very good exercise, tightens the chest muscles. At the same time, it also works with the muscles of the arms and upper back.

Exercises for overeating and stress

There are special exercises and meditations that well align the emotional background of a person and tune in to positive. For example, the inclination to the feet and yogic breathing. Let them be your homework. Instead of buns and sweets.

Tilt to the feet

Technique performance:

  1. We get up with a straight back, connect the feet, the bones touch each other, the socks are on the same line.
  2. We lean forward and grab the big toes with the index and middle fingers. We bend our knees, so it will be easier for the back to stretch, and we pull the chest closer to the legs.
  3. If possible, try to stretch your back and slowly straighten your legs. We release any tension in the neck, the head hangs relaxed.


This is not an easy exercise, it takes practice. If you feel discomfort, ease up or exit the pose.

Lead time: 1-2 minutes.

Effect: relieves depression, returns clarity to thoughts, shine to eyes, and in general to you – a great mood. Asana is useful for quick-tempered people – it calms the heart and mind.

! How to perform yogic breathing, which relieves anxiety and stress, restores calm and positive, see our video tutorial.

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