Worth knowing: what is the glycemic index of foods

Bringing to order your healthy diet, you can not forget about calorie foods, their weight, the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and increase the amount of fiber. Everything seems to be accounted for. But there is another factor that can significantly affect the process of your weight loss and good health is the glycemic index of foods.

The glycemic index is a measure that determines how increased blood sugar after consuming the product. Hence, you can use the glycemic index to determine how rapidly metabolized eaten your food, will it not become an obstacle to losing weight and have enough fuel until your next meal.

The lower the glycemic index, the better the product, the faster it will sink in, the less likely it that it goes straight to your waist extra inches. And the main good news is that the glycemic index already takes into account parameters such as the fiber content and the ratio PFC. The products with the lowest index quite a lot of fiber and proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most correct proportion.

To calculate the glycemic index itself is also not necessary – the food dietitians divided into 3 categories: low GI (10 to 40), with an average GI (40-70), and high GI (>70). Products of the first category can be consumed daily in any quantity, the second group should be limited, and the third only occasionally to include in your menu.

Foods with a low GI: brown rice, lettuce, greens, carrots, beets, mushrooms, soybeans, green peas, olives, cucumbers, zucchini, peanuts, lentils, beans, onions, asparagus, cabbage, chili, broccoli, eggplant, celery, ginger, cherry, Mandarin, orange, apricot, coconut, grapes, yeast, milk.

Products with an average GI: long grain rice, oatmeal, pasta, whole wheat bread, wheat flour, potatoes, pizza, sushi, biscuits, dark chocolate, marmalade, melon, pineapple, persimmons, raisins, ice cream, mayonnaise, canned vegetables.

Foods with a high GI: white rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, sweet soda, hamburgers, biscuits, white bread, pastries, sugar, chips, fried potatoes, corn flakes, milk chocolate, chocolate bars, waffles, cereals, beer, popcorn, watermelon, pumpkin, figs, starch.

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