There are many options for exercising at home, but one of the most popular schemes for losing weight and burning fat is circuit training. You haven’t tried this program or looking for a new variant of its implementation? We offer you a ready-made scheme of exercises for circuit training at home for girls, which will help you to lose weight and get rid of problem areas and burn excess fat.
Circuit training is a complex of 4-8 exercises for the entire body, repeated in a few laps. You can pick up for yourself a list of exercises, the duration of execution and the number of laps.
Circuit training takes place at a rapid pace, the exercises are performed one after another without a break (or he is very short), the stop is directly between the circles. You can train as weight loss and use of additional equipment.
How to run circuit training?
Circuit training at home for girls usually involves exercises for all muscle groups of the upper and lower parts of the body. Even if you need to adjust only, for example, the hips, do not forget about exercises for the arms and stomach. A variety of exercises and the load of the maximum number of muscles will help to burn more calories and thus increase the effectiveness of the training. If you have a particular problem area, you can add a range of exercises focusing on this area.
Basic rules for the implementation of circuit training for fat loss:
- Circuit training involves 4-8 of cardio and strength exercises with a load for the whole body.
- Exercises are performed in a single pass each other without interruption (or with minimal interruption in 10-20 seconds).
- Exercises are performed on the invoice or on time at your discretion (at least 10 repetitions or 20 seconds at a time).
- Between the circles is supposed to rest 1 to 3 minutes.
- The number of rounds define themselves, but most often circuit training lasts for about 30 minutes.
If you want to lose weight, do circle training at home 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). As you do at home without a coach, adjust their load independently. Don’t overdo it, but do not forget that without progress there is no result. Gradually increase the exercise time, increase the dumbbell weight, reduce the rest time between rounds to help speed the rate of exercise.
The benefits of circuit training for weight loss:
- Thanks to the circular workout you’ll burn fat and lose weight. Exercises for all muscle groups will make your body fit and elastic, without problem areas.
- Circuit training strengthens the muscles, improves cardiac and muscular endurance. This is a great workout cardiovascular system.
- You will always be able to adjust the duration and intensity of circuit training. Such programs are easy to follow, they are very variable and comfortable.
- This is a great time saver, because circuit training at home have a high energy cost. They help to speed up your metabolism and to run an additional fat-burning process in the body.
- You need minimal additional equipment for the training.
All about TABATA training
Contraindications for circuit training:
- Weak physical training (novice in the sport)
- Cardiovascular disease
- Recent surgery or injury
- Problems with the musculoskeletal system or joints
- Pregnancy and the postpartum period (minimum 2 months)
If you have any other diseases incompatible with active work, before you perform circuit training at home consult your doctor.
Exercises for circuit training at home
We offer you a ready-made scheme of exercises for circuit training at home. The program is suitable girls who want to lose weight, burn fat and tone muscles. If some exercises don’t suit you, you can exclude them from the program to use a modified version of the exercise or replace with another exercise of choice.
The circuit performance circuit training
We offer a comprehensive circuit training at home, which will include a variety of exercises for all problem areas. This will help to train with maximum efficiency. The program will include the following types of exercises (in brackets are specific examples):
- Cardio exercise with an emphasis on the belly (running with high lifting his knees, burpee, horizontal running, the crab, jumping in the strap by raising the legs)
- Cardio exercise with an emphasis on legs (lateral jumps, jumping lunges, jumping 180 degrees, jump into a wide squat, sumo squat jumping with)
- Exercise for the upper body (dumbbell bench press for shoulders, pushups, pushups for triceps, liftings of hands on a biceps, spreading the hands in the slope for the back)
- Exercise for stomach (twisting, double twisting, touching toes, leg lifts, Russian twist)
- Exercise plank (side plank, shoulder touch plank, assignment of the legs in the strap, spider, walking in the strap)
- Exercise for legs with dumbbell (side lunge, lunge on, lunge forward, squat with dumbbells, deadlifts)
- Exercises for the legs on the floor (side leg lift on all fours, swing leg scissors leg lift to the side kneeling leg lifts in bridge)
Each workout includes one exercise each. If the exercise is performed on different sides (e.g. lunge), then alternate hand through the circle.
Exercise in our scheme is divided into 5 days. You can train 3-5 times a week on your choice, just run each program one after the other. For example, if training 3 times a week: Monday – day 1, Wednesday – day 2 Saturday – day 3 Monday – day 4 , etc. (days of the week can be anything). Exercises complete on the invoice or on time as you are comfortable, you can focus on the plan below. The number of rounds define its own capabilities and on the basis of the total duration of the lesson.
Top 20 videos of cardio workouts for weight loss
Plan circuit training for beginners:
- Each exercise is performed for 20-30 seconds or 10-20 reps.
- The rest between exercises 10-15 seconds.
- Rest between rounds 2-3 minutes.
- The total training time of 15-25 minutes.
Plan circuit workout for advanced:
- Each exercise is performed for 40-50 seconds or 15-30 repetitions.
- The rest between exercises 5-10 seconds.
- Rest between rounds 1-2 minutes.
- Total exercise time 30-40 minutes.
Timer 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:
The timer for 45 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:
Exercises for circuit training
Exercises preferably (but not necessarily) be executed in the order they are located with regard to rest individual muscle groups and restore breathing after cardio.
Day 1
1. Lateral jumps
2. – Touch shoulder strap
3. Squat with dumbbells
4. Twisting
5. Burpee (option to choose)
6. Side leg lift on all fours
7. Lifts hands on biceps
Day 2
1. Breeding hands in backrest slope
2. Jumping 180 degrees
3. Leg lifts
4. Lunge in place
5. The splaying of the legs in the strap
6. Running with high knee lift
7. Swing leg up
Day 3
1. Lateral lunge
2. Horizontal Jogging
3. Russian twist
4. Scissors
5. Pushups for shoulders, arms and chest
6. Jump into a wide squat
7. Side plank
Day 4
1. Dumbbell bench press for shoulders
2. Jumping lunges
3. Double twisting
4. Deadlifts
5. Crab
6. Leg lift to the side on my knees
7. Walking in the bar
Day 5
1. Lunges forward
2. Pushups for triceps
3. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs
4. Leg lifts in bridge
5. Spider
6. Sumo squats with jumping
7. Touch feet
Tips for a pie exercise:
- Always begin exercise with a warm up and end with a hitch (stretching) their duration shall be not less than 5 minutes.
- Always engaged in a circular exercise even at home in sport shoes (sneakers). Be sure to view our top best women’s running shoes for fitness.
- Don’t forget about the water! Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before workout and 2 cups of water after exercise. During classes, try to be sure to drink water every 10 minutes, making a few small SIPS.
- Do not exercise on a full stomach, the meal should be 1.5-2 hours before circuit training.
- Circuit training should include exercises for all muscle groups. You can include exercises for the target area (e.g. legs), but in this case, the effectiveness of circuit training for weight loss and fat burning is reduced.
- Remember that weight loss is not only important to exercise regularly, but also to observe the daily rate of calories. Even a daily workout won’t lead you to the result without proper nutrition.
- If you are looking for a workout for beginners, look at our selection of simple videos based on a quick walk.
5 videos with all-round training at home
If you love to have on the finished video programs, view our collection of videos circuit workout at home for weight loss in Russian. Effective workouts for weight loss will help you to get rid of problem areas and tighten the body.
1. Ekaterina Kononova: Effective circuit training at home (25 minutes)
2. Fitness Friend, workout for moms (10 minutes)
3. Circular Bosu workout for the whole body with dumbbells (20 minutes)
4. Circular Bosu workout for beginners (10 minutes)
5. Ekaterina Kononova: circuit training for the muscles of the whole body (25 minutes)
If you want to replace any exercise or update circuit training at home, then view our ready-made sets of exercises:
- Top 50 exercises for abdominal muscles at home
- Top 50 for legs at home
- Top 20 exercises for arms at home
For weight loss With dumbbells