Work for a child: good or bad, why work in the summer
It’s nice to extend childhood indefinitely, but will it be good for your child?
23 years old, graduated from the university, did not work a day in her life. The picture for the modern world is very familiar and at the same time rather sad. It is no secret: most people do not know how to work for their pleasure. This means that love for business must be instilled from childhood. Here are five reasons to send your child to work (sparing, of course) as soon as possible.
Each, even the most useless thing costs money, and sometimes rather big ones. Adults know this, but children do not yet quite know that sometimes his parents have to work for one toy for several days. At work, the child will quickly realize that the sneakers worn by half of his classmates will have to set aside money for three weeks, and will wonder if he needs them. And the ability to calculate money correctly is one of the most useful in life. And the student will take much more care of the new phone if he pays for it himself.
The specialists of recruiting agencies have long found out that there is a connection between the age at which a person started working and the post he will take by the age of 40. And it is obvious: the earlier you start working, the sooner you will take a leading position. And this despite the fact that most managers did not start working in their specialty. It’s just that by the age of 25, when many people are just starting, they have already got used to a long working day and early waking up, that is, they have developed the habit of working constantly.
3. Financial independence
Not all people, even by the age of 30, feel that they stand on their feet without the help of their parents. The sooner the child realizes that he can have whatever he wants, as soon as he earns enough money, the better. He will not be afraid to move to another city for a better life, fearing only that there is not enough for something.
The sooner children start working, the sooner they understand what time management is, why lessons need to be done on time, and that they must not forget to clean their work or school uniforms just out of entertainment or laziness. The skill will come in handy in life, the child will be more collected and responsible.
There is nothing to explain here – at work, the child will definitely meet new people. Some can become friends for him, while others will later turn into valuable connections.
In addition, the child will quickly learn to work in a team and respect the work of colleagues.