Losing weight up to 4 kg in 3 days.
The average daily calorie content is 780 Kcal.
Professional nutritionists have developed many diets using kefir, therefore it is the kefir diet that will be one of the most effective. In winter, cold weather, a person consumes much less fruits and vegetables compared to summer, and this causes a deficiency of vitamins / minerals. Therefore, on the diet, more attention should be paid to the vitaminization of nutrition. And this is exactly what the winter kefir diet does.
If you want to replenish and restore the reserves of vitamins / minerals in the body and at the same time acquire a slim and beautiful figure, the winter kefir diet is ideal.
Requirements for a winter kefir diet for 3 days
All dishes on the menu should be prepared without salt, any spices or sugar.
We drink all kefir in a glass (200 g) every 3-4 hours. We can choose different kefir: regular kefir for breakfast, then fermented baked milk, then bifidok, etc.
Do not forget about the drinking regime: regular drinking or bottled without additives (non-mineralized) water. Let’s say plain, fruit or green tea.
Menu of the winter kefir diet for 3 days
The diet menu is identical at all times, but you have the right to choose one option at will.
– salad of chopped fresh cabbage (plus a little olive oil), 1 egg (you can make an omelet or you can boil it), tea or coffee;
– 1 egg, a serving of milk porridge, tea / coffee and a butter sandwich.
Snack before lunch:
– piece of cheese;
– 1 small apple;
– 1 cup of kefir;
– chicken soup, 200 g of vinaigrette or salad from fresh / boiled vegetables (you can use any except potatoes), rye croutons;
– a portion of mushroom soup, 100 g of chicken or lean beef with stewed cabbage.
– a glass of kefir;
– piece of cheese;
– a small fruit;
– boil lean fish with potatoes (100 g each), tea;
– carrot casserole with vegetables or dried fruits, tea (with 1 tsp honey).
Snack before bed:
– a glass of 200 ml. kefir or any unsweetened fermented milk product.
Contraindications for the winter kefir diet
- Like any other winter diet, women are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, exacerbation or the presence of endocrine diseases and hormonal disorders of the body.
- The presence of allergic reactions to foods from the menu or their intolerances.
- Despite the fact that all variants of this diet menu contains sufficient vitamins and the diet lasts only 3 days, it will not be superfluous to initially consult with a specialist.
Advantages of a kefir diet for 3 days
- No other short-term diet can boast of such a variety of diet.
- The feeling of hunger will not disturb – the menu also includes two breakfasts and snacks.
- It gives consistently quick results and relieves 3-4 kg of excess weight, although it lasts only 3 days.
- It should be noted the stabilization and normalization of the intestines, which is rarely the case with other diets.
- Kefir helps to cleanse the body.
- Of course, strengthening the immune system is also encouraged when using enriched varieties of kefir.
- Kefir of any kind normalizes metabolism.
- Additional physical loading is welcome in any form.
Disadvantages of the winter kefir diet for 3 days
- Both menu options are not always effective, the diet is not suitable for everyone. In addition, performance may be slightly less during critical days.
- Possible deterioration in well-being due to a decrease in the intake of food in the body in the usual amount.
- If, after the winter diet, you do not change the old diet, the lost weight will return, and the short duration of the diet only contributes to this.
Re-carrying out the kefir winter diet
The diet is short-term, and most often, at the end of it, the ideal has not yet been achieved. Therefore, there may be a desire to continue the diet – this should not be done. Re-carrying out the winter diet is possible only after a week. During this time, control your diet a little more closely.