Real fishermen do not care about the weather conditions; in winter, fishing does not stop for many, and sometimes it becomes even more successful. In order to usefully spend time on the pond, winter fishing rods are pre-selected, but not everyone knows the subtleties of the choice.
Winter fishing rod features
In winter, fishing is carried out from the ice, which is why summer gear is not suitable for this process at all. There is no need to cast far, everything happens right before the eyes of the fisherman.
Fishing in winter should be done with special rods that have the following features:
- the blank of the rod is much shorter than the summer ones;
- winter rods may already be with coils, or this component will need to be purchased additionally;
- pricing policy also varies, there are very cheap options, but there are also more expensive ones.
On any winter rod with a reel, it will have a small size, so much less line is also needed. Rods without reels will require even less warp to collect the tackle.
What is a winter rod made of?
Winter fishing rods have a simple structure, some options have only the body itself. In most cases, a rod for winter ice fishing has the following components:
- a pen;
- legs;
- khlystik;
- coil.
There are models of rods that are divided only into a whip and a handle, which has a built-in reel for storing fishing line. There are models without reels, the fishing line is stored on a special reel, which is embedded in the handle itself.
There are a lot of varieties of forms for winter fishing, no one will be able to list everything. It will be difficult for beginners in this business to choose a rod for themselves, at first glance they are all the same, only an experienced angler will be able to determine at a glance which rod should be taken for a particular tackle, or it is better to look for other options.
We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular options, and then everyone decides for himself which model to give preference to.
For glitter
This type of fishing is mainly used to catch a predator; for this, artificial lures are used as bait:
- spinners;
- balancers;
- rattlins (winter wobblers).
A distinctive feature of these rods is a fairly large reel. Rods for this type of ice fishing resemble small spinning rods, the whip is often made of carbon, it has access rings and a tulip.
With handle and reel
Winter donks and trucks are usually collected on winter rods with a reel. This type of blank is considered universal, it is often used for lure, and for a nod, and for fishing with a float.
Such a fishing rod is often used for stationary fishing, this is facilitated by the presence of legs in all models. The whip is made of plastic or fiberglass, such models do not have rings and a tulip. The coil is adjusted with a built-in screw or a key, the latter option is more suitable for fishing at depth.
This type of rod for winter is a huge success. There are more expensive models, but there are enough budget options.
A distinctive feature of the form is the absence of a pen as such. In its place is a built-in coil, the adjustment of which is carried out by tightening or loosening the screw. The rod is light in weight, and the bite is perfectly felt by the hand of the fisherman.
Balalaikas are made from a wide variety of materials, the most popular are polystyrene and frost-resistant plastic.
Axleless balalaikas
The axleless version of the rod is even lighter. The structure is almost identical to the balalaika. Due to the void in the middle, the weight of the product is significantly reduced; such blanks are made of frost-resistant plastic.
He found the application quickly, the mormyshka and mormyshka with the landing of bloodworms feel best. Improved models have cork plates along the rim of the body, this allows you to hold the blank with bare fingers even in severe frost.
Models of this type are characterized by low weight and minimal dimensions, which allows you to play the jig more smoothly and accurately. Previously, such blanks were made independently, but now they can be bought in almost every tackle store.
With reels
Some anglers still prefer to use rods without reels; these models use reels to store line. Most often, the reel is several slots in the handle of the fishing rod, where the base of the tackle is wound.
You can use such a fishing rod for stationary fishing, as well as for active play with a jig.
Copyright and special
Winter forms in some cases can be compared to works of art. Production is carried out by the fishermen themselves, and under the order they are performed for a considerable amount. The most famous are:
- fishing rods Artuda;
- equipped with Bykova;
- fishing rod Kuznetsov;
- ice fishing rod made of wood by A. Slynko.
Ultralight washers and plugs
Shcherbakov’s washer became a prototype for the manufacture of winter rods. Most often they are made by the anglers themselves; a cork stopper made of champagne or wine is used as a reel and handle. The whip is carbon fiber, then the tackle will turn out to be lighter. Such fishing rods are used for nodding fishing, the blow is perfectly felt by hand.
A revolver and a small mormyshka with a planted bloodworm will work perfectly.
Fans of nods can also put this component.
There are a large number of home-made options; here you can include those rods that, in their design, do not resemble any of the factory models.
The features of such products are lightness, simplicity, convenience. Production is carried out from foam, peel, wood, and each model is considered unique, because few fishermen make drawings of the product beforehand.
Such a variant of the rod is extremely rare to see on water bodies, the feature of the rod is the complete absence of a person. After installing the rod, the mode is set, and then the device does everything on its own. Vibrations set the line in motion, and hence the mormyshka. The hunter has to wait for a bite and bring out the trophy.
There are many types of rods, everyone should choose for himself, but to understand whether the selected model is suitable or not, you can only on the pond.
Tackle features
It should be understood that the design of the ice fishing rod is more of an auxiliary character, in order to be with the catch, special attention must be paid to the collection of tackle. For each individual method of fishing should have its own tackle.
Stationary fishing
This type of fishing in winter is based on the immovable presence of a baited hook or mormyshka under the ice. A float or a nod acts as a bite signaling device, the weight of the tackle is selected in accordance with the load capacity of the selected signaling device.
A properly configured tackle of this type will allow the fish to grab the bait without fear, but there will be no turning back.
Nozzle mormyshka
An active game with a mormyshka will require an accurate selection of all the components of the tackle. A nod, mormyshka, fishing line must fully correspond to each other, do not forget about the rod. It is worth remembering that the smaller the mormyshka and the greater the depth, the thinner the line should be set. With a thick base, even the most experienced player will not be able to achieve the desired game.
This fishing option will require more preparation, a bare mormyshka hook will not be able to properly attract the attention of the inhabitants of the reservoir if there is a failure in the game or the tackle is assembled from inappropriate components.
It is important to pay attention to the components when collecting tackle for a revolver, they must be matched perfectly.
For the flow
For flow, use light mormyshkas, both without attachments and with bloodworms, a waste of time. For fishing on rivers, trucks and donks are used, the essence of the equipment lies in the correctly selected cargo, it lies on the bottom and holds the hook on the leash in a certain place.
The same installation is done for medium mormyshkas, then passive fishing in the current can be more active.
These are the main types of gear, everyone collects them on their own, the basic principles are clear.
Refinement and repair
Winter gear is quite simple to use, they are extremely rarely repaired. As for the refinement, then the matter is also simple. Most often, refinement is called such manipulations:
- analysis of the rod, namely the separation of the reel;
- with the help of sandpaper, all the influxes and burrs are removed;
- collect and check the progress.
Do I need to make a fishing rod myself
Real fishermen will answer this question only positively. Each rider must independently collect tackle for himself, there is simply no point in relying on someone.
Many people come to fishing tackle stores and ask for a ready-made ice fishing rod. Demand creates supply, modern craftsmen collect tackle, but the fisherman does not know anything about the quality of the fishing line or the tackle itself.
A self-assembled fishing rod will give self-confidence, at the gathering you will blame yourself, and not that guy.
How to make
There are no difficulties in collecting winter gear, it is enough to consult with more experienced riders or, in extreme cases, open the Internet and see how the masters do it.
Before you go fishing, you need to collect tackle. The process consists of the following steps:
- winding a fishing line of the required diameter, for spinners, tackle with mormyshkas, balancers, rattlins, 10 m is enough;
- the fishing line from the reel is passed through the fishing rod rings, if any, if the whip is naked, then the line is passed immediately through the gatehouse;
- further adjustment takes place depending on the bait used.
For each type of fishing, the final stage is different.
Fishing for a mormyshka without a bloodworm or with it ends the process of collecting tackle by tying a mormyshka, for balancers they usually put a swivel, and through it the bait itself is attached to the leash.
Tackle for rattlins is assembled in the same way as for balancers, and hooks are usually knitted directly to the base, like mormyshkas.
It remains only to take the rod to the pond and start fishing.
Storage and transportation
In order to keep the fishing rod for ice fishing safe and sound and deliver it to the immediate place of fishing, it is necessary to have a winter fishing box. There you can put several fishing rods equipped with different types of bait, as well as other items that the angler will need.
TOP 7 winter fishing rods
Among the wide variety, anglers do not give preference to all models.
Psalm PRO Truor
The rod for catching a predator is designed for spinners, rattlins and balancers. Length 60 cm, this model has the softest whip, which allows you to see the bite even without a nod.
Rapala 90/ GL 230/2-С
A rod for universal use, made entirely of frost-resistant plastic. The spool size is 90 mm, the whip has an indicator of 230 mm, the handle consists of two components.
Lucky John C-Tech Perch
Two-piece fishing rod for fishing from the ice of a predator with baubles, rattlins, balancers. The whip is made of high-quality graphite, which endures frost without losing its softness. The cork handle is comfortable, the reel can be fixed anywhere thanks to the movable reel seat.
Teho Bumerang Special
The rod was made for fishing at great depths, the body, reel and whip are frost-resistant, plastic is not afraid of even a strong cold.
Salmo Travel
Telescope of excellent quality for fishing with baubles and balancers. Graphite whip, rings with ceramic inserts. Cork handle is comfortable. Even in severe frosts, the rod retains all its original characteristics.
Stinger PRO Fire
Another telescope for ice fishing. The whip is made of graphite, but the handle can be chosen either from cork or from a warm material. The blank is suitable for catching a predator with heavy artificial lures.
Dolphin VR70E
A rod with a plastic reel and a neoprene handle is suitable for fishing with a variety of lures, including stationary fishing. The whip can be selected the necessary softness, there are several of them in the kit.