Baby in Miller’s dream book
A baby in a dream portends an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Bathing a baby speaks of a successful resolution of a difficult situation, a way out of which could not be found. Did you kiss the baby? Keep yourself in great shape until old age. A sick child symbolizes problems in the family. If a young woman dreamed of a baby, she would be accused of indulging the riotous lifestyle of certain people (the dream in which the girl saw herself as a child has a similar meaning).
Baby in Vanga’s dream book
For dreams about newborn children, the soothsayer gave both personal explanations regarding the life of a particular person, and global ones, related to global events. So, a large number of babies suggests that small difficulties and tasks will take all your time and take a lot of energy, and at the same time – about an increase in the birth rate on the planet.
The crying baby symbolizes the problems created by children (their own or close relatives), as well as the danger in which the world is. War is coming, men will go to the front, many unfeminine duties will fall on the shoulders of women, and babies will indeed shed many tears.
A baby with severe health problems up to disability signals: bad habits undermine your health and cause a lot of trouble to others. If you lead the right way of life, then a dream can warn of a large-scale environmental disaster.
It’s good if you play with a baby in a dream – soon you will leave your unloved job and find something to your liking. It’s bad if the child disappears somewhere and you have to look for him – an already difficult situation will be aggravated by new minor troubles.
But if you look at the baby and understand that it is you yourself, then this is an occasion to think about your behavior. Your childishness is inappropriate, and in some cases even offends your acquaintances.
Baby in the Islamic dream book
One of the surahs of the Qur’an says: “… and they picked him [the future prophet Musa (Moses)] the family of Pharaoh [the nickname of one of the evil and conceited rulers of Egypt], so that for them he would be an enemy and misfortune.” Therefore, dreams about infants, especially sick ones, are associated with your enemies, and also speak of the excessive flattery of the ignorant, worries, difficulties and fatigue that will come into your life. The dream in which your baby is born also speaks of troubles and worries. If the baby had good health, then all adversity will soon recede from you, happiness and love will come to the house. It is also a good sign if you held the baby in your arms – your financial situation will improve.
Baby in Freud’s dream book
Small children are a symbol of male and female genitalia, while the sex of the dreaming child does not play a special role. Caring for a baby, playing with him is a reflection of the craving for self-satisfaction. A psychoanalyst associated a smiling or roaring baby with an orgasm.
But if in a dream you managed to save the baby from mortal danger, then this indicates your inner maturity and readiness to start a family and have children.
Baby in Loff’s dream book
Dreams about small children should always be listened to, because they are a reflection of our feelings and thoughts, since children perceive everything much more sharply and behave more sincerely.
If the dreaming baby is yours, then this indicates a strong desire to continue your family. Is there such a thing? Then reconsider your relationship with those who are authority for you (parents, older comrades, teachers) – something goes wrong and causes discomfort to both parties. Also, a dream may reflect your keen desire to influence someone – a business partner, an acquaintance whose relationship is getting out of control.
Младенец в соннике Нострадамуса
The child personifies hopes, dreams, the future. Therefore, based on what happened to the baby in a dream, you can understand what awaits not only you, but the world as a whole. So, if a baby was bitten by an animal, then the sleeping one is threatened with a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to win you over to his side, and the planet with an invasion of vampires, especially dangerous for children.
Инвалидность у новорожденного говорит о том, что кто-то сильно нуждается в вашей помощи, а также предупреждает о катастрофе, которую спровоцирует загрязнение атмосферы. Если недуг проявляется в отсутствии конечностей, то это предвещает рождение большого количества детей с физическими и психическими недостатками.
Если вы держали кроху на руках, то вам предстоит искать выход из сложной ситуации; если же малыш будет у падшей женщины, то человечество окажется на грани вымирания из-за опасной болезни (по косвенным признакам можно предположить, что Нострадамус предвидел появление СПИДа). Но в самый критический момент найдется специалист, который сумеет создать уникальное лекарство и спасти ситуацию.
Did the newborn cry? There are dangers in the future. Smiling and happy? People will stop suffering from wars, hunger, poverty. In the ensuing atmosphere of happiness and love, more children will be born.
The realization that the dreaming baby is you yourself speaks of the need to reconsider your life values and change something.
Baby in Tsvetkov’s dream book
A dreaming baby is usually associated with news that will make you surprised. But if the baby was undressed, then trouble will befall you. A cute, cute baby symbolizes joy and happiness, and an ugly, dirty baby symbolizes unexpected litigation, problems and troubles. You can count on a calm, measured life if in a dream you or someone else kiss the baby.
Baby in the Esoteric dream book
In general, such dreams are interpreted positively and speak of goodness, with the exception of those in which the baby is yours, or you hold it in your arms. In this case, you will have to abandon your plans and desires. But there is one clarification: if you don’t have a child in reality, then you will start some kind of business that will turn out to be very successful.
Psychologist’s comment
Maria Khomyakova, psychologist, art therapist, fairy tale therapist:
The image of a baby can be interpreted from different angles: as a harbinger of the beginning of a new life or new beginnings; a symbol of the integrity of humanity, as well as the unification of opposites, in which a huge potential for change is hidden; a source of creativity and, finally, a reflection of your own inner child and the opportunity to attend to your desires and needs.
It is important to “talk” with the dreaming baby. Why did he appear? What was he doing? Maybe he wanted to convey something to you or said something? Understanding these questions will allow you to turn to that very inner child and see your personal potential.