Why do mice dream
Mice are a phobia not only for many women, but also for some men. However, in a dream, these little rodents can also mean positive changes in your life. We tell you what mice dream of in different dream books

Mice in Miller’s dream book

Seeing mice in a dream – to all sorts of troubles: problems in the family and business, lies from friends. Dreamed of a dead mouse? Sleep promises victory over enemies. If the rodent managed to escape, then a struggle awaits you, only its outcome will be doubtful. A common question is why do mice dream of a woman? The psychologist considers this a warning: secret ill-wishers are trying to set a trap for you. If the animal is sitting on your dress, then get ready for a scandal.

Mice in Vanga’s dream book

The soothsayer believes that mice dream of an invasion of rodents. They will ruin the harvest. Hunger will be avoided, but bread will cost more. If an animal approaches you, then the prices of other products and necessities will rise as well. The squeak of a mouse also predicts that the rodents will breed so that they will need to be actively fought. Sleeping animals dream of mothers to reassure them: everything is in order with the children, they easily find a common language with other children, feel comfortable in different groups.

Mice in the Islamic dream book

A mouse in a dream symbolizes a sinful woman, provoking confusion, quarrels. Catch a mouse in a dream – connect your fate with such a companion. The squeak of a mouse, like a rat, predicts a meeting with a thief or an unpleasant person who will cause damage. If a mouse runs out of a room in a dream, then a good life will come to an end. To the loss of property, there is a dream in which a rodent harms in any way. But if the mouse plays in your house, on the contrary, it promises prosperity and impressive profits. A dream about a large number of white and black mice calls to reconsider your life – you spend days and nights doing nothing useful either for yourself or for others.

Mice in Freud’s dream book

For Freud, mice, like other small creatures, symbolize children. Hunting mice reflects an attraction to minors. But taking care of a small rodent in a dream means well-being in your personal life and the desire to have another child. Dreamed of a dead mouse? The dream speaks of infertility. By the way, mice and rats are not synonymous for a psychoanalyst.

Mice in Loff’s dream book

A rodent that stole your food symbolizes a hypocrite who ruins your life. This is a person from your environment who spreads rumors about you. If you knew about this, but did not guess who exactly was gossiping, then after a dream about mice, the name of the scoundrel will come up. The color of the animal is a hint. If the dreaming animal is white, then the ill-wisher enters your immediate environment.

Mice in the dream book of Nostradamus

Many mice in a dream promise global problems (wars, famine), and a dead rodent – material difficulties. If you were attacked by bats, your life will be affected by a terrible evil. The dream in which you feed the bat warns: only great patience and endurance will help you cope with a dangerous situation.

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Mice in Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you dreamed of a mouse, be careful: you have a secret ill-wisher. You can also expect a loss associated with loved ones. Catch a rodent – to the successful implementation of plans. The white animal symbolizes marital fidelity.

Mice in the Esoteric dream book

A dreaming mouse warns: because of your own little stupidities, you will find yourself in a stupid situation. Dubious adventures will lead to it if you catch a mouse in a dream.

Psychologist’s comment

Uliana Burakova, psychologist:

To understand what mice dream of, you need to focus on your feelings. At the same time, it is also important what you felt when you saw mice in a dream, and how you feel about these rodents in reality.

Remember all the details of the dream in as much detail as possible. Draw parallels with reality, ask yourself questions and add up a whole image from the answers – what did the mice look like (condition, size, color), what did they do, and what were you, what thoughts did you visit at that moment?

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