Fire in Vanga’s dream book
In fact, why dream of a fire in Vanga’s dream book? She interprets fire as a sign of trouble of various sizes. If you follow these omens, then in a dream you see a sheet of paper on fire, like forests on fire – to a strong fire and an environmental disaster. And the fire approaching from the sky – to a dangerous comet. But people are more concerned with practical information about everyday life. So, if a bad smell comes from the fire, then the dream book defines the fire as a harbinger of evil gossip. Have you watched the fire in the furnace? Be careful with fire, it’s not good. But if you warm yourself by the fire, then on the contrary, you are a happy person and will find the support of loved ones.
Fire in Freud’s dream book
Freud is Freud. He has everything – sex and sensuality. Entertainer! But the interpretations are interesting. So, the dream book defines fire as a huge passion between people. And according to Freud’s dream book, it’s not worth putting out the fire – this indicates that there is a disease of the genital organs next to you. But if you yourself in a dream find yourself where everything is blazing, then you should think about it. For the fire according to Freud’s dream book, if it is around you, indicates that it is you who are afraid to prove yourself as a sexual partner. It is also believed that an object that burns (if you dream of a fire) is the object of desire. Your his. But when coals remained around – alas, the end of passions. Keep in mind!
Fire in Miller’s dream book
And if you look at what the fire is dreaming of, on the other hand? The interpretation of dreams according to Miller’s dream book explains them as a cleansing force. And this is a completely different approach – favorable. Let’s say a house on fire is not a tragedy. This is for a move or major changes in life. However, one must be careful – putting out a fire in a dream is worrying about something, and seeing those who died from a fire in a dream is a disease of relatives. But the interpretation of dreams about a fire, when the ashes around it means longing for the past.
Fire in Loff’s dream book
The opinions of researchers regarding what the fire is dreaming of differ. But they do not contradict, but complement each other. Dream Interpretation explains fire essentially as a check of actions during an emergency. The interpretation of dreams about a fire according to Loff’s dream book is this: if a person was able to put out the fire, then in reality he will cope with himself. Around the fire, and you manage to endure the pain? The interpretation of dreams about a fire according to Loff is close to Miller here – it means that you will be cleansed of anxieties.
Fire in Tsvetkov’s dream book
The dream book regards the fire as impending difficulties. Why see a fire in a dream? Tsvetkov believes that if you also get badly burned, then this is to a damaged reputation. The interpretation of dreams about a fire according to Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests – if everything is intact, and the doors are burned out – be on your guard, you are in mortal danger!
Fire in the dream book of Nostradamus
Why not? The interpretation of dreams about fires among researchers largely converges. So the dream book defines a fire from a lightning strike as a high probability of an important conversation with a person you value. And why dream of a fire in an apartment? According to Nostradamus, this means that close people will deceive you. If you dream that you are striking a match and a fire starts, then you urgently need a change. And vice versa. If there is a flame around, and you extinguish it, then the dream book refers a fire of this nature to unrealized changes. You want them, but you are afraid.
Think about what the fire is dreaming of in your life. Maybe it’s time for a change?