why does the dog smell like rotten stuff from the mouth than to treat

We bet that while hugging your pet, you at least once involuntarily caught yourself thinking: “Hey, friend, you could use some chewing gum …”

Especially caring people even acquire separate toothbrushes and dog toothpaste. But, alas, even impeccable hygiene does not always save a person’s best friends from unpleasant amber.

But, as it turned out, you don’t always need to worry! After all, this may turn out to be just a feature of the breed.

So, the first thing to be done … to understand the reasons. You should not worry if:

Your dog is having a change of teeth right now.

“Small breed dogs sometimes have milk teeth that sit firmly enough in their nests. They loosen for a long time, leading to violations of the integrity of the gums, – veterinarian Maria Andriyanova shares with Wday.ru. – Food debris can get into the wound, and they are the cause of the unpleasant odor. To make the baby teeth fall out faster, you can buy hard treats and special toys for your dog to chew on.

Ingestion of food debris in the gaps between the teeth

“During the game, a young dog often gets carried away and gnaws sticks, balls or thread ropes into small pieces. Small chips or toy debris stuck between teeth can also cause inflammation. The advice is the same – let the dog chew on something hard, or even better, special toys for cleaning teeth, ”continues the veterinarian.

But even if your dog is no longer a puppy, an unpleasant smell should still not cause you to panic. According to doctors, almost all serious illnesses are accompanied by not one symptom, but several at once.

But the smell from the mouth alone is more often a wake-up call to a change in diet or a more careful choice of water for the tailed.

The maximum content of protein foods in the diet

“More often it concerns dogs that are on natural food,” the veterinarian continues. – This is the main misconception of the owners that the diet of dogs should mainly consist of meat. But, if you have already given up food, then make sure that the pet receives all the necessary substances and trace elements. Add buckwheat and rice porridge, vegetables: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers to the diet. “

Postponing food

“Representatives of such breeds of dogs as boxers, bulldogs, pugs, often do not have time to swallow all their food while eating. As a result, pieces of food end up in the cheek space, says the expert. “There is only one advice: give your pet a new portion only after he has finished with the previous one, and, of course, follow the hygiene.”

Switching to chlorinated drinking water

“Don’t think that only you need clean water. Your pet needs her just as much. Refusal from spring or bottled liquid can cause dysbacteriosis, ”the doctor is sure.

But what about the smell itself? Still, even the most loving mistress will get tired of such savory kisses of a pet.

“Observe hygiene. Give apples and carrots to gnaw more often, as well as stock up on special toys for brushing your teeth. – continues Maria Andriyanova. “In addition, almost every pet store offers a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs. It is different from human and does not cause allergies in most animals. If this did not help, then it is worth signing up for dental calculus cleaning at the clinic, and after that not start the condition of the pet’s teeth. “

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