Coaches and psychologists often say that as soon as a person manages to cope with his internal problems, he becomes successful, rich and happy. However, this is not quite true. Coach Kristin Hassler talks about what changes are taking place in the inner world of a person and how this affects his life.
Clients often complain that they are working on themselves, but they feel only internal changes, and the life around them does not change. Personal growth and physical improvement remain invisible to others.
You may have been able to let go of limiting beliefs, deal with emotional issues, and correct behavioral patterns. Now you are waiting for the beginning of the transformation of your whole life. It seems that not today or tomorrow money will rain on you, happy relationships will begin, you will find a dream job without effort, you don’t even have to send resumes and go to interviews. You wait a week, a year, but nothing happens.
If the expectations regarding external changes did not come true, you should not get upset and think that you are not working on yourself well enough or the world does not like your new internal image.
Our emotional and spiritual state can change suddenly, while transformations in the outside world happen gradually.
When I began to study the question of the correspondence of the inner world to the outer one, I realized that the outer, physical world is static. Our emotional, intellectual and spiritual state may change suddenly, while the transformations in the outer world occur gradually.
This understanding made me more patient. I focused on inner progress and began to think that the health of my body is much more important than what this body does. As time went on, I began to notice that internal changes began to affect both the appearance of my body and my lifestyle and relationships.
The next time you worry about inner changes not being reflected in your life, remember that the physical world doesn’t change all at once. Try to suppress the need to immediately receive rewards for what you do. Get rid of dependence on external results. Measure progress by the quality of internal changes, not by what is happening outside.
Once we start to feel completely renewed, it’s time for testing.
Let’s not forget that once we start to feel completely renewed, it’s time for testing. We find ourselves in situations similar to those we have been in before. Many worry: “Is this really happening to me again? I went through it and learned my lesson well!” Perhaps you really know this, but now you have a chance to put the knowledge into practice and integrate it into your life.
For example, in the past you have attracted the wrong people and had romantic relationships with them. You realized this, worked on self-esteem, created new attitudes. Now we are sure that do not let “toxic” people into your life, no matter how attractive they may be. But losers, parasites and other undesirable personalities continue to appear nearby. You cannot understand why this is happening.
Do not get upset and think that something is wrong with you and you have not coped with psychological problems. This is a chance to say a firm “no” to a “toxic” person, only in this way knowledge and emotional readiness will turn into a personal experience.
If your inner world (feelings, thoughts and attitude towards yourself) has changed and you begin to experience compassion, love, peace and acceptance of yourself more often, continue to change. Focus on inner changes and one day you will realize that life has become different.
Source: The Huffington Post.