Why does a child need stage speech

The founder of the studio “Fidgets” Elena Pingjoyan has raised more than one generation of talented children, and in 2016 she celebrates the studio’s quarter-century anniversary.

Especially for Woman’s Day, she tells what kind of discipline “stage speech” is and to whom it is useful.

These are the questions many parents ask. In fact, even if your child plays sports and not creative activities, this does not mean that he does not need to develop communication skills.

Stage speech is called a set of exercises that is aimed at achieving clear, sonorous speech. Exercises develop the child’s articulation, enhancing their beautiful and competent communication skills. But the most important thing is that when training the articulatory apparatus, our thinking activity at the reflex level begins to work more actively. Thus, the lessons of “stage speech” develop not only diction, but also the speed of thought.

I equally distribute the load on the musical part, dance, acting and, of course, stage speech.

Making a star out of a child that will sing and dance perfectly is the wrong message. My task as the head of a creative center is to give children that vital base of professional skills, which they can subsequently use in absolutely any profession.

Many graduates of “Fidget” subsequently took, as they say, their place in the sky, but I never said to anyone: “Once you finish our school, you will certainly become a famous artist.” No! Moreover, I have always emphasized that we do not train pop stars.

All we teach a child from 4 to 14 years old is to manage the audience’s attention. It is important for us that a person knows how to look into the eyes of the audience, no matter how many of them there are, so that he can convey his thought to the viewer in a song, in a dance, in colloquial speech, but that he must be able to force himself to listen.

Such people will be successful anywhere. In any, absolutely any profession, this will give a hundred points ahead.

Should a plant manager be able to make sure that they listen to him and follow him? Should! Should a lecturer at a university be able to hold the audience’s attention? Necessarily! Yes, even in the queue at the store, it is sometimes useful to be able to draw attention to yourself.

Feeling the energy of the viewer or just the interlocutor, giving your own is an invaluable skill. In ancient Greece, for example, the ability to speak was a whole cult, and today the ability to speak is extremely important for us, because we live in the age of information and communication.

My task is to give the child the necessary skills base, to liberate him as much as possible, to instill in him a sense of confidence. And here an important role is played by how the child speaks, how well his thought reaction is developed, how well he keeps the attention of the interlocutor or concert audience.

I am always in favor with both hands when children try something else besides singing and dancing. Many have good acting skills, we still pay attention to him in the process of study. No wonder many graduates of “Fidget” starred in “Yeralash”, and in the film “Holiday of Disobedience”, and others.

In general, my advice to you – during the formation of the personality, let the child develop comprehensively. The art of eloquence is the basis of the foundations, which will serve as a good base in any activity.

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