Why does a child grind his teeth in a dream: reasons, doctor’s advice

The reason that you are now, most likely, thought about has nothing to do with reality.

“Who had this? Have passed tests, there are no parasites, everything is fine. Did you send the pediatrician to the neurologist for some reason? ” – ask questions on women’s forums moms. The reason for their concern is the same everywhere: bruxism, that is, a child grinds his teeth in a dream at night.

“Grinding your teeth has nothing to do with microbes or worms, grinding your teeth is an age-related feature that happens to many children,” says Dr. Komarovsky categorically.

According to the famous pediatrician, in some cases bruxism occurs due to active growth, sometimes due to calcium deficiency. In addition, there is a version that teeth grinding may be associated with increased nervous irritability. Another assumption: this is how the child spends emotional energy unspent during the day.

Teeth grinding, called bruxism, occurs in every second child under 7 years of age. Most often, attacks occur intermittently and last a few seconds. But there are also regular manifestations that lead to damage to the tooth enamel and tension in the jaws. Bruxism disappears over the years. So, among the young and mature population, it occurs in 4-8 cases out of 100.

The main cause of bruxism in children is overexcitation of certain areas of the brain. Since babies are very emotional, fear and anger haunt them even at night. When children have bad dreams, they grit their teeth in anger or despair. This is where the screeching comes from.

Vulnerable and mobile babies are prone to bruxism. The appearance of gnashing teeth at night is facilitated by family troubles, stress and heavy loads at school, and difficulties in communicating with peers.

Other causes of bruxism:

  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic adenoiditis;
  • malocclusion;
  • incorrect installation of braces or crowns;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • dehydration or intoxication of the body, cold;
  • hereditary predisposition.

A child under one year old grinds his teeth, reacting to swelling and itching of the gums. In this case, bruxism is a sign of another tooth erupting.

When should you react to the rattle of the night? You should consult a doctor if the attacks recur regularly, last more than 10 seconds. During sleep, the child may have a faster breathing and pulse, in the morning – a headache.

Alarming symptoms are lethargy, irritability, and lack of appetite. Bruxism leads to bleeding of the gums, destruction of enamel, bite defects. A neglected illness can cause facial asymmetry or hearing impairment.

Polysomnographic examination allows confirmation of bruxism. It is usually prescribed to rule out epilepsy. If the reason for the grinding is psychological, the baby will need psychotherapy sessions, special exercises to relieve nervous tension. An hour before bed, let him nibble on a carrot or apple. Before you go to bed, read a good fairy tale, listen to classical music or a recording of the sounds of nature.

If a child grinds his teeth during the day, teach him not to close his jaw tightly when his mouth is closed. For sleep disturbances, your doctor may prescribe a mild sedative, such as motherwort or valerian. Sometimes it is advisable to take minerals and vitamins – magnesium with calcium, B-complex. With increased excitability, physiotherapy procedures are recommended for children: facial gymnastics and relaxing massage.

If your child complains of jaw pain in the morning, apply a warm compress. To do this, moisten a terry towel folded several times in hot water, wring it out and apply to your face.

If a child creaks his teeth during the day or in a dream, he needs to be shown not only to a psychologist and neurologist, but also to a dentist. A mouthguard, a special pad made of soft plastic or rubber, will help protect the dentin from damage. To get an individual device that matches the baby’s bite, the orthodontist first makes an impression of the teeth. The mouthguard made from this cast is fitted by the doctor in the mouth. They put on the pad only at night, change as they wear out.

See also: the child groans

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